posted ago by AtomicBlonde ago by AtomicBlonde +64 / -1

And I know there are people who are going to reply there is no such thing as Covid, but this is my beautiful 31 year old daughter, who left the corporate world to go into nursing before Covid, and is paying a huge price for it.

And don’t write and tell me you don’t feel sorry for her because she was STUPID to get the vax, because this is an intelligent, special young woman who was pursuing a career.

She had Delta, probably, over Thanksgiving and then on New Years Eve, ten people came to her house for a get together. Everyone got Covid but one friend, and that friend was the only one who wasn’t vaxed. That’s interesting isn’t it?

But now my daughter is sick again and I’m terrified all over again for everyone whose children were vaccinated. Over at Gab, I just listened to a recording of a cab driver who overheard two doctors talking about all the cancer they’re seeing in young people suddenly.

It’s terrifying to be a parent, or anyone really whose loved ones got jabbed.

Some nights this whole nightmare hits me harder than other nights.....Having one of those nights.