Thank goodness the NY state legislature withdrew Bill A416 (which would have legalized the concentration camp detention and forced vaccination of anyone SUSPECTED of having the 'Rona for an INDEFINITE period of time).
However, in the stages status chart, it looks like both the NY state Assembly AND the state Senate actually PASSED this bill before yanking it (I still haven't determined how/why this bill was pulled).
On the NY .gov website for this bill, it says "Referred to Health" on Jan. 6th - but I have no idea what that means. Did they just route it to a different department ("Health dept.") to implement instead?? See the "Actions" section of this bill at:
Regardless, NY is still not out of the woods yet. It's rumored that the measures proposed in Bill A416 will be snuck into other bills in piece-meal fashion and passed without notice. And there's a handful of other totalitarian laws up for vote in the current NY state legislative session that began 1/5/22, including:
• Assembly Bill A8378 would mandate the COVID vaccine to attend school.
• Bill A7829/S6495 would mandate the COVID vaccine to attend college.
• Bill A279a/S75a forces all adult vaccine records into a state database.
• Assembly Bill A8398 eliminates religious exemptions for work and college.
• Bill A3091/S3041 eliminates parents’ consent to vaccinations when a child reaches 14 years of age.
• Patrick Burke's bill (not yet numbered), which would block the "un-vaxxed" from access to health insurance!
Oh, good call! I did a little dig on the Washington state legislation that's got a "discussion" coming up on Jan. 12th and sent it out to other patriots earlier tonight:
Washington state has proposed legislation on the table just like NY's Bill A416 to forcibly detain un-vaxxed people or anyone (as young as 5 years old!) that they deem as a "threat to public health" into concentration camps and authorizes utilizing law enforcement personnel to round up these people at will ("at local health officers' sole discretion") via Bill WAC-246-100-040. They're even using language like "decontamination" in this bill - fucking terrifying! =-O
A virtual public hearing with the WA State Board of Public Health is scheduled for Jan. 12th.
Proposed WA state legislation on .gov website:
Gateway Pundit article: