Look into Pasteur vs BeChamp. Germ theory vs terrain theory.
Then look at the census charts, diseases were gone BEFORE vaccines started. It was sanitation. Also WWI. "more soldiers died from the shot than from the war", was the quote of the day back then. Iraq war, gulf war syndrome.
And here is the rabbit hole.
T. Cruzi.
Spoiler - The 'vaccines' are exactly as advertised. Inoculations.
Definition: Inoculation: The introduction of a pathogen...
I used to not give vaccines much thought... I was vaccinated as a kid an my teen daughter is fully vaccinated. It wasn't until this year that I realized on two separate occasions, my daughter ended up in the hospital after receiving her vaccines as an infant/toddler. The doctors never suggested a connection so it never crossed my mind. As a pre-teen, she went to the hospital after a flu vaccine. Again, I never connected the dots.
I am now suspicious of all the vaccines we've been told we "need"... we keep hearing people talk about "we eradicated polio with vaccines" but who's to say polio/measles weren't released in the same way CV19 has been released? Maybe our government has been releasing bioweapons for decades and we just assumed there was a naturally occurring outbreak from back in the day that we "NEEDED" to take a vaccine for.
"Who controls the past controls the future: who controls the present controls the past,"
I think they are not needed and suspect they are harmful, but I'd have to study it more before I advocate strongly. Also, whenever you say "the X vaccine" there are many different formulations that all have different ingredients Anne would likely have different effects. I have researched "annual" flu vaccine shots and have concluded they are a scam, and harmful to many. I believe the MMR currently in use is harmful. I suggest you search posts by a user u/vaccinescausesids who has posted a lot of good info, including links to studies.
The Amish seem to be doing just fine without them.
Same. I didn’t give vaccines a thought until I lost my hearing from a flu shot. Same year my brother had Guillain–Barré. It was 2000. Apparently it was a bad year for autoimmune reactions to flu vaccines. We have not taken them since.
I think cv19 vaccines are the most lethal. They are being pushed so hard that it's obvious to many that there is an ulterior motive beyond just making money.
All vaccines are worthless. There is no real data to support any of them. All the trials are rigged, and all based off of antibody response which has been thoroughly deboonked.
Most of the ingredients have never been through proper safety trials by themselves, let alone mixed with other carciogenic/neurotoxic substances and then injected into humans/animals.
Anyone looking for more info on vaccines
Similar observations were made about the hyena dog, which was in 1989 threatened with extinction. Scientists vaccinated individual animals to protect them against rabies but more than a dozen packs then died within a year – of rabies. This happened even in areas where rabies had never been seen before. When researchers tried using a non-infectious form of the pathogen (to prevent the deaths of the remaining animals) all members of seven packs of dogs disappeared. And yet the rabies vaccine is now compulsory in many parts of the world. Is it not possible that it is the vaccine which is keeping this disease alive?"---- Dr Vernon Coleman MB
Robert Koch was the first to obtain a pure culture of anthrax germs, responsible for the cattle and sheep disease, and Pasteur made a vaccine from it by reducing the power of germs. Many historians call that the first vaccine in history, as if Jenner and the Orientals had never existed. At any rate, an immediate controversy between Pasteur and Koch ensued, each one accusing the other of plagiarism.
Pasteur then proceeded to develop a vaccine against rabies, or hydrophobia, which may represent the most disconcerting case in the entire disconcerting field of vaccines.
Only an infinitesimal percentage of people bitten by a rabid animal catch the infection. But if it develops, it is supposed to be always mortal. So to be safe, everybody who has been bitten by an animal suspected to be rabid gets the special treatment developed originally by Pasteur. But sometimes the vaccinated person dies anyway. In that case the death is attributed to a defective vaccine. But often it has been demonstrated that the vaccine and not the bite caused the infection—for instance when the animal later on turned out to be healthy. Even if the animal is rabid, the bite very seldom causes the infection—and never causes it if the normal hygienic rules are followed, like the immediate washing out of the wound with water.
I wasn’t an anti-vaxxer until the covid “vaccine” came out, now I won’t even get a tetanus shot. If I go to the hospital I’m signing “no vaccines, no biologics”
I was given the normal childhood vaccines as a child (wasn’t given a choice as I was a child). I had chicken pox and the measles at the same time at the age of 8. Mumps when I was nine. My kids were given the same childhood vaccines in the ‘80’s, because I didn’t know better.
I became semi anti vax after my first and only flu shot decades ago. I had a severe allergic reaction to it and got the flu as well; and about a year later found that I am one the few that is allergic to just about any medication on the market (prescription or over the counter); not to mention the food and chemical allergies that I’d never had before that. I started researching then and have refused any vax since nor have I allowed my kids to get them. They are adults know and can make their own choices.
The minute that slimy weasel starting talking the hair on the back of my neck stood right up and I said nope, not happening.
I used to be ambivalent towards them, figuring presumably they had some value compared to contracting the actual 'full strength' wild diseases. But only for people who may have been too immune-compromised to deal with a normal level of infection. Which is a very small subset of the population that can get any value at all from vaccines, even in the best use-case. So they seemed pretty irrelevant to 99% of the world.
But then seemingly they all have poisonous and damaging substances in all the actual vaccines, and the reason for why these were included was never broached, nor any investigating done and so on.. imagine people selling apples known to be injected full of poison who never get their doors kicked in and questioned with firearms to their heads! For some reason this entire industry has this debilitating and poisoning approach..
So the organised crime and terrorist aspect of vaccine companies became very clear. Then the legal aspect of it being an industry that begged for the right to be free from the legal consequences of the awfulness of their products. A right granted, by the way.. unbelievably.
That was all pre-coof. Post coof when now lies are everywhere, suppression of the truth is rampant, critics are not just being silenced from social media but are also getting threatened, abducted and killed.. and what are called 'vaccines' have the dubious distinction of being the most lethal medical product in all history. All the while vaccine sellers pretend to be regulators and bringing in 'checks and balances' that are all fake.
So its the end of vaccines as a concept, vaccine companies, and their staff and sycophants. Too murderous and criminal to ever tolerate existing at all.
If I had to get one .. I mean couldn’t feed the family or at gun point HAD to get one, I guess I would get JJ. I don’t care what “science” or warp speed was put into these. I don’t know how anyone that is under 70 and has a brain wouldn’t find smarter ways to protect themselves.
From a perspective of someone who is older with other illnesses, the risk of getting the jab (and other vaccines) potentially outweighs the risk of not assuming the jab is effective in any way, and isn’t truly a death jab considering the average life expectancy for men is 76. Covid (the respiratory bioweapon covid, not Omicron cold symptom Covid) is a real thing and did kill a lot of older people. Not to mention I was generalizing. Most of my concerns with the shots come from unknowns long term side effects. Even with that said, I would be against my own parents getting it. You have a 140 IQ so Im sure if you wanted to you could analyze the generalized risk assessment for someone who is elderly such as yourself.
Vitamins, good nutrition, sunlight, laying off alcohol, exercising.. that’s the only way to live a long healthy life. I was giving an example of being held at gun point…. So fuck your 140 IQ for not understanding that I clearly don’t support the vaccines and was answering the OPs question. Not your point of view. I don’t give a fuck what you do.
I'm not entirely anti vax. I do believe vaccines work even though I'm still skeptical. Based on all my WW2 education in elementary and highschool the teachers were always adamant we only take FDA approved drugs. Being that said I would consider taking this vaccine with the FDA approved name on it. I possibly won't ever give consent either based on how politicized this has been and the obvious only letting us know what their oppinion believes to be what we only need to know. Most soldiers of war PTSD comes from the backstabbing of their leadership. So I can't even imagine how much PTSD is running rampant at the civilian level at this point.
Should be used sparingly. The purpose is to create an immune response against a certain protein/substance. Note that proteins have a DNA sequence to create them. The more DNA sequences marked as foreign, the greater likelihood of side effects.
At the highest levels of the medical cartel, vaccines are a top priority because they cause a weakening of the immune system. I know that may be hard to accept, but it's true. The medical cartel, at the highest level, is not out to help people, it is out to harm them, to weaken them. To kill them." Vaccines - Jon Rappoport interview of ex vaccine researcher (2001)
Always have been poison. Chronic disease subscription model for big pharma
Look into Pasteur vs BeChamp. Germ theory vs terrain theory.
Then look at the census charts, diseases were gone BEFORE vaccines started. It was sanitation. Also WWI. "more soldiers died from the shot than from the war", was the quote of the day back then. Iraq war, gulf war syndrome.
And here is the rabbit hole.
T. Cruzi.
Spoiler - The 'vaccines' are exactly as advertised. Inoculations.
Definition: Inoculation: The introduction of a pathogen...
I used to not give vaccines much thought... I was vaccinated as a kid an my teen daughter is fully vaccinated. It wasn't until this year that I realized on two separate occasions, my daughter ended up in the hospital after receiving her vaccines as an infant/toddler. The doctors never suggested a connection so it never crossed my mind. As a pre-teen, she went to the hospital after a flu vaccine. Again, I never connected the dots.
I am now suspicious of all the vaccines we've been told we "need"... we keep hearing people talk about "we eradicated polio with vaccines" but who's to say polio/measles weren't released in the same way CV19 has been released? Maybe our government has been releasing bioweapons for decades and we just assumed there was a naturally occurring outbreak from back in the day that we "NEEDED" to take a vaccine for.
"Who controls the past controls the future: who controls the present controls the past,"
Polio and measles were both reduced by better hygiene, before the respective vaccines came out.
Oh interesting. I wasn't aware. Well scrap my theory!
I think they are not needed and suspect they are harmful, but I'd have to study it more before I advocate strongly. Also, whenever you say "the X vaccine" there are many different formulations that all have different ingredients Anne would likely have different effects. I have researched "annual" flu vaccine shots and have concluded they are a scam, and harmful to many. I believe the MMR currently in use is harmful. I suggest you search posts by a user u/vaccinescausesids who has posted a lot of good info, including links to studies.
The Amish seem to be doing just fine without them.
I don't know. I feel like the more I learn, the less I know.
My intuition is telling me that anything produced in a lab by these pharmaceutical companies is unnecessary. I have no data to back this up.
Same. I didn’t give vaccines a thought until I lost my hearing from a flu shot. Same year my brother had Guillain–Barré. It was 2000. Apparently it was a bad year for autoimmune reactions to flu vaccines. We have not taken them since.
I think cv19 vaccines are the most lethal. They are being pushed so hard that it's obvious to many that there is an ulterior motive beyond just making money.
Ask yourself why there are patents for the illnesses/diseases in which these vaccines are created to "treat"/"cure"/"avoid"
Mentioned previously, this Kindle book "Dissolving Illusions" is a fascinating history of vaccines.
If interested, you can download it here:
If you like it, please consider paying the author:
All vaccines are worthless. There is no real data to support any of them. All the trials are rigged, and all based off of antibody response which has been thoroughly deboonked. Most of the ingredients have never been through proper safety trials by themselves, let alone mixed with other carciogenic/neurotoxic substances and then injected into humans/animals. NO VACCINE MANUFACTURERS ARE LIABLE FOR ANY OF THE VACCINES THEY PRODUCE! Anyone looking for more info on vaccines
-Dissolving Illusions
-the moth in the iron lung
-millers review of critical vaccine studies
-vaccination is not immunization-tim oshea
Websites: https://fathersmanifesto.net http://whale.to https://childrenshealthdefense.org
Sorry for the formatting i have fat thumbs... :)
Rabies vaccine works :) But we don't give it to everyone, why is that?
Similar observations were made about the hyena dog, which was in 1989 threatened with extinction. Scientists vaccinated individual animals to protect them against rabies but more than a dozen packs then died within a year – of rabies. This happened even in areas where rabies had never been seen before. When researchers tried using a non-infectious form of the pathogen (to prevent the deaths of the remaining animals) all members of seven packs of dogs disappeared. And yet the rabies vaccine is now compulsory in many parts of the world. Is it not possible that it is the vaccine which is keeping this disease alive?"---- Dr Vernon Coleman MB
Do they?
Interesting site. Thank you.
Robert Koch was the first to obtain a pure culture of anthrax germs, responsible for the cattle and sheep disease, and Pasteur made a vaccine from it by reducing the power of germs. Many historians call that the first vaccine in history, as if Jenner and the Orientals had never existed. At any rate, an immediate controversy between Pasteur and Koch ensued, each one accusing the other of plagiarism.
Pasteur then proceeded to develop a vaccine against rabies, or hydrophobia, which may represent the most disconcerting case in the entire disconcerting field of vaccines.
Only an infinitesimal percentage of people bitten by a rabid animal catch the infection. But if it develops, it is supposed to be always mortal. So to be safe, everybody who has been bitten by an animal suspected to be rabid gets the special treatment developed originally by Pasteur. But sometimes the vaccinated person dies anyway. In that case the death is attributed to a defective vaccine. But often it has been demonstrated that the vaccine and not the bite caused the infection—for instance when the animal later on turned out to be healthy. Even if the animal is rabid, the bite very seldom causes the infection—and never causes it if the normal hygienic rules are followed, like the immediate washing out of the wound with water.
Hans Ruesch (Slaughter of the Innocent)
Not all are bad imo. But I’ve lost a lot of trust…
I wasn’t an anti-vaxxer until the covid “vaccine” came out, now I won’t even get a tetanus shot. If I go to the hospital I’m signing “no vaccines, no biologics”
I was given the normal childhood vaccines as a child (wasn’t given a choice as I was a child). I had chicken pox and the measles at the same time at the age of 8. Mumps when I was nine. My kids were given the same childhood vaccines in the ‘80’s, because I didn’t know better.
I became semi anti vax after my first and only flu shot decades ago. I had a severe allergic reaction to it and got the flu as well; and about a year later found that I am one the few that is allergic to just about any medication on the market (prescription or over the counter); not to mention the food and chemical allergies that I’d never had before that. I started researching then and have refused any vax since nor have I allowed my kids to get them. They are adults know and can make their own choices.
The minute that slimy weasel starting talking the hair on the back of my neck stood right up and I said nope, not happening.
I used to be ambivalent towards them, figuring presumably they had some value compared to contracting the actual 'full strength' wild diseases. But only for people who may have been too immune-compromised to deal with a normal level of infection. Which is a very small subset of the population that can get any value at all from vaccines, even in the best use-case. So they seemed pretty irrelevant to 99% of the world.
But then seemingly they all have poisonous and damaging substances in all the actual vaccines, and the reason for why these were included was never broached, nor any investigating done and so on.. imagine people selling apples known to be injected full of poison who never get their doors kicked in and questioned with firearms to their heads! For some reason this entire industry has this debilitating and poisoning approach..
So the organised crime and terrorist aspect of vaccine companies became very clear. Then the legal aspect of it being an industry that begged for the right to be free from the legal consequences of the awfulness of their products. A right granted, by the way.. unbelievably.
That was all pre-coof. Post coof when now lies are everywhere, suppression of the truth is rampant, critics are not just being silenced from social media but are also getting threatened, abducted and killed.. and what are called 'vaccines' have the dubious distinction of being the most lethal medical product in all history. All the while vaccine sellers pretend to be regulators and bringing in 'checks and balances' that are all fake.
So its the end of vaccines as a concept, vaccine companies, and their staff and sycophants. Too murderous and criminal to ever tolerate existing at all.
If I had to get one .. I mean couldn’t feed the family or at gun point HAD to get one, I guess I would get JJ. I don’t care what “science” or warp speed was put into these. I don’t know how anyone that is under 70 and has a brain wouldn’t find smarter ways to protect themselves.
Protect themselves from any disease they don’t want to catch that is.
I'm over 70 with a 140 IQ so you can fuck right off with your jabs.
From a perspective of someone who is older with other illnesses, the risk of getting the jab (and other vaccines) potentially outweighs the risk of not assuming the jab is effective in any way, and isn’t truly a death jab considering the average life expectancy for men is 76. Covid (the respiratory bioweapon covid, not Omicron cold symptom Covid) is a real thing and did kill a lot of older people. Not to mention I was generalizing. Most of my concerns with the shots come from unknowns long term side effects. Even with that said, I would be against my own parents getting it. You have a 140 IQ so Im sure if you wanted to you could analyze the generalized risk assessment for someone who is elderly such as yourself.
Vitamins, good nutrition, sunlight, laying off alcohol, exercising.. that’s the only way to live a long healthy life. I was giving an example of being held at gun point…. So fuck your 140 IQ for not understanding that I clearly don’t support the vaccines and was answering the OPs question. Not your point of view. I don’t give a fuck what you do.
I'm not entirely anti vax. I do believe vaccines work even though I'm still skeptical. Based on all my WW2 education in elementary and highschool the teachers were always adamant we only take FDA approved drugs. Being that said I would consider taking this vaccine with the FDA approved name on it. I possibly won't ever give consent either based on how politicized this has been and the obvious only letting us know what their oppinion believes to be what we only need to know. Most soldiers of war PTSD comes from the backstabbing of their leadership. So I can't even imagine how much PTSD is running rampant at the civilian level at this point.
Should be used sparingly. The purpose is to create an immune response against a certain protein/substance. Note that proteins have a DNA sequence to create them. The more DNA sequences marked as foreign, the greater likelihood of side effects.
At the highest levels of the medical cartel, vaccines are a top priority because they cause a weakening of the immune system. I know that may be hard to accept, but it's true. The medical cartel, at the highest level, is not out to help people, it is out to harm them, to weaken them. To kill them." Vaccines - Jon Rappoport interview of ex vaccine researcher (2001)