You have it the other way around. Remember they are useful idiots that will be dis-guarded at the very end. Power mad narcissistic lunatics are using them as useful idiots BECAUSE they are weak minded. The issue has become that because they have infected our schools for so long they are they point were they don't just recruit the naturally weak minded they are actually making people weak minded on purpose... while indoctrinating them at the same time.
The key to all of this post awakening is to get these lunatics OUT of our schools.
You have it the other way around. Remember they are useful idiots that will be dis-guarded at the very end. Power mad narcissistic lunatics are using them as useful idiots BECAUSE they are weak minded. The issue has become that because they have infected our schools for so long they are they point were they don't just recruit the naturally weak minded they are actually making people weak minded on purpose... while indoctrinating them at the same time.
The key to all of this post awakening is to get these lunatics OUT of our schools.