As usual, jump to a conclusion and land somewhere off the lily pad. I was referring to written communications, not radio communications. You don't keep things secret by broadcasting them. And this would have been a special department of the SS, not just "Nazi documents." Ever read about the Ahnenerbe? And their Jewish skull collection? Just a side story.
There is documentation about the tons and tons of Zyklon B used to kill prisoners, 700 at a batch. Photographs of the empty canisters. I think you are barking at the Moon.
As usual, jump to a conclusion and land somewhere off the lily pad. I was referring to written communications, not radio communications. You don't keep things secret by broadcasting them. And this would have been a special department of the SS, not just "Nazi documents." Ever read about the Ahnenerbe? And their Jewish skull collection? Just a side story.
There is documentation about the tons and tons of Zyklon B used to kill prisoners, 700 at a batch. Photographs of the empty canisters. I think you are barking at the Moon.