I truly don’t understand how I got infected. I have followed guidance throughout the entire pandemic. I am triple vaccinated and I wear an N95 anywhere I go (which is very rare). I haven’t seen any of my friends since February of 2020. I have all my groceries delivered, and then I sanitize each bag before throwing each individual item into the oven at 225 for 10 minutes to bake off the coronavirus. The only people I see are my wife and our 2 year old son.
I tested positive on a rapid test this morning. I just don’t understand. Maybe I didn’t properly wipe down and bake some of my groceries, because I know masks work so it couldn’t be from the last time I left the house.
I knew I was fucked when I started sniffling. Since then, my symptoms have ballooned. Now, I sniffle and I have a sore throat. I am truly scared for my life. I am certain I am going to get long Covid at the least. My 2 year old son, who is unvaccinated must be on the verge of death.
I have learned my lesson. I will mask harder. My pets will be in N95’s. If I can get out of this disease I promise I will never be so irresponsible to catch it again. Fuck you if you are unvaccinated, you have put my family and I on the verge of death.