Sorry, not another people got COVID post, but more proof vaccine is a shit sandwich and doesn't work post.
My wife's side all vaxxed tested positive a few different households and have been sick over 2 weeks now. Happened after we met for Christmas. Apparently there one nephew had it and decided to get everyone sick LOL.
My side of the family has the same deal. A bunch of vaxxed people hung out and all got the coof over Christmas. I am not vaxxed so wasn't invited LOL.
I have not been vaccinated, and it took me about 3-4 weeks to fully get over COVID, which was about 2 months ago. Used Zilenko protocol and Ivermectin.
So this is BS when they say it could have been worse. I believe worse is when you go to the hospital, and they vent you to death with remdesivir.
I’m pretty sure my daughter infected me when she was in a wedding after Christmas. At least 3 people tested positive shortly after the wedding, all vaxxed. She felt a little off and took ivermectin but had no symptoms. I’m on day 4 with a low grade fever, slight cough. It was a high fever, post-nasal drip event for me. I’m just glad to get natural immunity!