CNN POS Jake Tapper sold his soul to Big Pharma in 2005. Read this and Robert Kennedy, Jr. will share with you how he knows this. Stunning stuff.
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You know what? Thank you for that response. Because a lot of people take my reluctance and my skepticism as if I either don’t understand what the drops say or that I am a shill or a bot.
I was actually all in from the beginning. From the very beginning. But things that I saw as goalpost moving and inconsistencies from within the community started to drive me away a little bit. But you know what? That doesn’t mean I don’t still want to believe and it doesn’t mean I completely refuse to believe. In fact, I think there is something going on. I think there is something to all of this, I’m just skeptical about each individual event or theory. I feel that’s the best way to go about things. Each thing that comes up in front of us, I’m extremely skeptical about it until, to me, it’s proven true.
Simply because, so many times, I’ve seen people within our community jump on things that aren’t true, or spread bad information, etc. etc. Here’s the thing. I also used to be an atheist. Then I became a Christian because the evidence overwhelmed me and I gave my heart to Jesus and things that I couldn’t possibly know through logic became very clear to me. Passages of scripture that I used to think were misogynistic or barbaric became clear to me all of a sudden. And then finally I began to see how actually, faith in Christ was logical and correct, historically, anthropologically, archaeologically, biologically, everything was logical to me. It became clear, the truth of Christ.
So when I see Christians spreading false gospel or things that are patently ridiculous or false, I called them out but my Christianity is not questioned. However, when I call out things in this community that are patently false or ridiculous or incredibly absurd, I’m called a shill or banned.
So I appreciate your response. It’s good to see that someone understands that I can believe in the overall message of this community, and in fact I even believe “something“ is happening and that “something“ is true about Q, the drops, the movement, the theories behind it, etc. but that I don’t particularly believe in all of the spikes. I don’t believe that all of the theories are true, I don’t believe that all of the connections that are made are actually connections, I don’t believe in all of the things that we say point to “winning“ or point to “proof“ or as such. I can believe in the overall thing without believing in each individual spike.
I wish the people that continuously temp ban me when I ask uncomfortable questions or say uncomfortable things would understand that.
Just because I believe somethings actually happening, and the Durham is proof enough for me that White Hats are working behind the scenes, doesn’t mean I believe it’s true every time someone says mysterious planes are flying over Florida because they’re transporting evil people to Guantánamo Bay.
Just because I believe it’s true that white hats are working behind the scenes to secure a government of which the moving parts I can’t even begin to comprehend, it doesn’t mean I believe that some people are holograms or clones.
Sometimes the purity test around here kicks good people out, people who believe, or maybe half believe, or are trying to believe, but have pertinent important questions and are labeled as robots or shills and are kicked out. It’s actually very sad.
I probably played a bigger part in getting Trump elected in 2016 than almost anyone else here. I had more to do with Texas politics than anyone else here probably contributes to the local or even state wide community, and my motivations are questioned constantly because I have a very very different viewpoint from almost everyone else here. On many subjects. It’s very very sad.
But thank you for recognizing that someone can have questions or a viewpoint that might be different, or concerns that might be different from the concerns of the community at large and not be a complete son of a bitch.
You're very welcome.
I'm sorry for taking so long to reply. First, I want to say praise God! I absolutely love how you said, "I began to see how actually, faith in Christ was logical and correct, historically, anthropologically, archaeologically, biologically". Just imagine if we could open the hearts and minds of others to see these truths.
I know exactly what you mean about the accusations of being a bot or shill. I've been accused myself. I think perhaps some paranoia plays a role. Not to say that being reasonably paranoid isn't wise. I can't even begin to imagine the plethora of DS/Cabal members that hang out on here. That said, there have been a few times when I've stepped in and said "hey, you are exhibiting divisive behavior" and "wwg1wga, remember". Now that I think about it, some of the time it could actually be our enemies trying to divide us.
Like you, I believe in the overarching plan but that doesn't mean I agree with every single theory or conclusion. We must be able to have healthy debates and share our concerns without being ostracized for it. I think all we can do is mediate when we see it happening and remind them our enemies want us to be divided.
Thank you for sticking around in spite of the way some of the others have treated you. We will see this through to the end.