That's assuming these tests are accurate, a very big assumption.
I've talked to two different epidemiologists about Omicron. Both are convinced that it's man made by "the good guys".
It seems equally, if not more plausible that flooding the market with hyper-sensitive tests in conjunction with the new round of testing hysteria pushed by the white house is a counter punch by the cabal.
How many completely asymptomatic people have we seen standing in line for hours to get tested out of nothing more than abject fear and hypochondria? One of the only ways to maintain the hysteria when the virus is burning itself out is the mantra of constant testing of healthy people.
That's assuming these tests are accurate, a very big assumption.
I've talked to two different epidemiologists about Omicron. Both are convinced that it's man made by "the good guys".
It seems equally, if not more plausible that flooding the market with hyper-sensitive tests in conjunction with the new round of testing hysteria pushed by the white house is a counter punch by the cabal.
How many completely asymptomatic people have we seen standing in line for hours to get tested out of nothing more than abject fear and hypochondria? One of the only ways to maintain the hysteria when the virus is burning itself out is the mantra of constant testing of healthy people.