If these fuckers would just take all the shots they want, I don't care. But they have to drag us purebloods into their pissed off fucked up world to partake of the holy jab!!! For our own good, they lie. They don't seem to know that they are gleefully on the receiving end of the final solution for useless eaters.
Assuming Adam is telling the truth and not just pushing a narrative, he'll keep at the jabs until they kill him.
But he will lessen the effects of covid. His gravestone will read, "He would have been here sooner but for the shots. He swears to that, we think."
If these fuckers would just take all the shots they want, I don't care. But they have to drag us purebloods into their pissed off fucked up world to partake of the holy jab!!! For our own good, they lie. They don't seem to know that they are gleefully on the receiving end of the final solution for useless eaters.
holy jab with the power of their "gods."
I hope a bunch of people owe him money when he dies. Attorneys need to feel like us every now and then.