posted ago by Glooptygloop ago by Glooptygloop +54 / -0

A lot of people have asked how Ivermectin actually works against Covid.

It makes small changes to importin a-1, a messenger protein that is the gatekeeper to the cells nucleus, or control center, which is where the virus wants to go to implant its code so the cell starts reproducing viral particles.

These small temporary and safe changes mean that when the COVID attaches to the importin a-1 to allow it access to the nucleus via the nuclear membrane, the unchanged importin b-1, which is the nuclear "bouncer" waiting for the password provided by importin a-1 and its guest, does not recognize a-1 and therefore the virus is denied entry into the nucleus. Game over.

So I made up a handy mnemonic device to help you remember: ivermectin is Importin.

So if anyone asks, now you know.

There are other ways it helps but the importin a/b disruption is one of the biggest.