We took prophylactically bc my husband was going through treatment for cancer this summer.
He got sick, flu-like after his first dose (pill form, we can't answer for paste) spiked a fever middle of the night, sweat it out, toilet stuff the next day... called AFLD back before the 2nd dose and they said he was likely expelling parasites. Second dose same but milder.... third dose fine from there. Doctor said without hesitation that he did not get sick FROM Ivermectin. Doc said empty stomach for 1 hour if taking for parasites specifically but since we were not to eat a few crackers but nothing else for 1 hour after taking the once daily dose.
Prophylactically for us was day 1, day 3, day 7, then weekly thereafter.
He did also get covid after his 4th dose. So we have no advise on whether prophylaxis works. Kek. Exposed at work his first week back after treatment. He then took the same 16mg, once a day, for 5 days in a row, plus HCQ and Z pack and all other Zelenko protocol stuff...
I did not get sick at all so suppose no parasite for me??
Again, we know nothing about paste at this time... but lots of comments on this thread from folks that seem to know more. Hope this helps!
Not to shame you or your husband, but why are you guys testing to see whether you have Covid or not?
I never got the test and never will. They also said the PCR testing have been doing it wrong the whole time, which means almost all of the tests, if not all, have been "false positive".
If I were you and your husband, I'll stop doing the testing, it's fake and stupid, and should have never been done in the first place because we never got a test done for cold/flu in the first place pre-"Covid".
I think your husband was getting rid of the parasites and somehow it "triggered" a false positive with the PCR testing but if he's feeling better while being "infected with Covid" then I wouldn't worry too much about that part.
I've gone through 2020 and 2021 without wearing a mask, socially distancing, using the antibacterial gel and no vaccine, and I still don't know if I have had it or not. Besides not knowing whether I had it or not (and I don't care), I have had a very mild cold that lasted 3 days and that was it, in over 2 years and I did the Zelenko protocol (Quercetin with Bromelain, zinc, Vit D, Vit C and I added NAC).
Thank you for your comments! Had it not been for the recent cancer diagnosus/treatment our story would be very different. We used non-invasive home tests so we did not add to the public numbers. The only caution I have for you is what we had, months ago now, was not a typical cold/flu. I would not have believed it either without the experience... but we did the research upfront, had the right meds and did really well. Praise God.
So my husband started taking prophylactically before he returned to work after cancer treatment... not sure which of my responses you read. So he was not sick prior to starting Ivermectin. His medicine was doctor perscribed.
16mg - once in the morning with just a few crackers and no other food for one hour. Day 1, Day 3, Day 7, then weekly from there.
He took his first prophylactic dose and yes middle of the night spiked a fever, headache, body aches, as you say much like the flu. Before he took the Day 3 dose we called the doctor to double check since he had "a reaction" . The doctor felt certain his body was ridding parasites and was NOT any "bad reaction" to Ivermectin. He took the Day 3 dose and more of the same but milder... then the Day 7 and the following weeks he was fine taking it.
Then he did get exposed to covid after returning to work... that sick is not at all like the flu.
We took prophylactically bc my husband was going through treatment for cancer this summer.
He got sick, flu-like after his first dose (pill form, we can't answer for paste) spiked a fever middle of the night, sweat it out, toilet stuff the next day... called AFLD back before the 2nd dose and they said he was likely expelling parasites. Second dose same but milder.... third dose fine from there. Doctor said without hesitation that he did not get sick FROM Ivermectin. Doc said empty stomach for 1 hour if taking for parasites specifically but since we were not to eat a few crackers but nothing else for 1 hour after taking the once daily dose.
Prophylactically for us was day 1, day 3, day 7, then weekly thereafter.
He did also get covid after his 4th dose. So we have no advise on whether prophylaxis works. Kek. Exposed at work his first week back after treatment. He then took the same 16mg, once a day, for 5 days in a row, plus HCQ and Z pack and all other Zelenko protocol stuff...
I did not get sick at all so suppose no parasite for me??
Again, we know nothing about paste at this time... but lots of comments on this thread from folks that seem to know more. Hope this helps!
Not to shame you or your husband, but why are you guys testing to see whether you have Covid or not?
I never got the test and never will. They also said the PCR testing have been doing it wrong the whole time, which means almost all of the tests, if not all, have been "false positive".
If I were you and your husband, I'll stop doing the testing, it's fake and stupid, and should have never been done in the first place because we never got a test done for cold/flu in the first place pre-"Covid".
I think your husband was getting rid of the parasites and somehow it "triggered" a false positive with the PCR testing but if he's feeling better while being "infected with Covid" then I wouldn't worry too much about that part.
I've gone through 2020 and 2021 without wearing a mask, socially distancing, using the antibacterial gel and no vaccine, and I still don't know if I have had it or not. Besides not knowing whether I had it or not (and I don't care), I have had a very mild cold that lasted 3 days and that was it, in over 2 years and I did the Zelenko protocol (Quercetin with Bromelain, zinc, Vit D, Vit C and I added NAC).
Thank you for your comments! Had it not been for the recent cancer diagnosus/treatment our story would be very different. We used non-invasive home tests so we did not add to the public numbers. The only caution I have for you is what we had, months ago now, was not a typical cold/flu. I would not have believed it either without the experience... but we did the research upfront, had the right meds and did really well. Praise God.
Thank you!
So my husband started taking prophylactically before he returned to work after cancer treatment... not sure which of my responses you read. So he was not sick prior to starting Ivermectin. His medicine was doctor perscribed.
16mg - once in the morning with just a few crackers and no other food for one hour. Day 1, Day 3, Day 7, then weekly from there.
He took his first prophylactic dose and yes middle of the night spiked a fever, headache, body aches, as you say much like the flu. Before he took the Day 3 dose we called the doctor to double check since he had "a reaction" . The doctor felt certain his body was ridding parasites and was NOT any "bad reaction" to Ivermectin. He took the Day 3 dose and more of the same but milder... then the Day 7 and the following weeks he was fine taking it.
Then he did get exposed to covid after returning to work... that sick is not at all like the flu.
Thanks for your comment hope this helps.