posted ago by FractalizingIron ago by FractalizingIron +24 / -1

Don't you think it's amazing that Q hasn't posted in 12 months, but the Awakening continues and is accelerating, and we are still years ahead of what the normie world is waking to? This is evidence that the Q operation has been successful.

Below - FI Post from 2018 - still relevant - future proves past

The future of Q: Anons and Q patriots are the precursor of a Citizen-based Intelligence Militia

Part I Introduction

Part II A Civilian Intelligence Militia



With the Q project, we are seeing the opposite, the antidote, and the possible successor of the Central Intelligence Agency, the Clowns In Action.

Theoretically, the CIA was created as a civilian intelligence service. The problem is, concentration and centralization of power always becomes an invitation to corruption. This is why the United States model was conceived as a government with checks and balances.

(Biblical perspective: Consider the model of human society established by the Creator. Each person has a unique and individual conscience, and free will. The Creator does not coerce anyone to good or evil; we are given the evidence, the truth, and a choice. Do we believe the lies (our choice) or believe the truth (our choice)?)

Note: while Q has not indicated that C_A will be disbanded, the premise of this essay is that it will, at least, be modified, augmented or superseded by an anonymous citizen-based network, the genesis of which we can see in the anon research and information sharing.

Free will means power is decentralized

Because of the existence of free will, the power invested in humankind is inherently decentralized. No one person or group can rightly and honestly control or coerce others without violating the universal law of freedom.

Because of this, overly-centralized control will always attract corruption and runs the inherent risk of devolving into evil. Where Evil seeks power and control over others, Good seeks always to liberate and empower others to become self-actuated free agents through free will, to become people working from conviction, choice and heart, not from control, coercion or deception.

The founding of the United States was unique in a number of ways. Obviously, the idea of a system where the people are the true sovereigns of the nation was revolutionary.

This idea of individual free sovereignty was underpinned by action in the form of a civilian militia. A civilian militia is the tangible embodiment of the concept of individual and national sovereignty: “I am responsible for my own (family, land, community) and I am responsible for my nation”. It is echoed in the admonition of JFK: “Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country”.

You’ll notice this is the opposite of how the radical liberal mindset and the communist mindset works: “You are responsible for my happiness; the Government is responsible for my happiness”. This is the primary difference between the radical regressive mentality and the grounded conservative (libertarian) mentality: who ultimately should take responsibility for my wellbeing and the well-being of my family, my community, my nation?

Signing over power

When we sign over our responsibility to another limited agent – for example, a serving power like government, we begin walking the path towards enslavement and the growth of evil. (Biblical perspective: this is what Adam and Eve did in the Garden. They accepted the lies of the servant Archangel and relinquished their responsibility to be true owners in God’s name.)

The fundamental concept of government in a nation where people are sovereign is that the government is our servant, not our master. And, to accomplish certain things, it is good and natural that we assign certain powers to such a serving agent. However, we cannot - we must not - forget that ultimately, we – you and I - are responsible to keep the government on track and ensure it does not fall into corruption.

If we forget this critical and important fact, we begin, right there, to fall asleep. We will listen more easily to lies, we more easily hand over control to those who should not have control, and we begin to slide towards that place of dark and sleepy comfort wherein soon we will willingly choose to be slaves ourselves. Ladies and gentlemen, the Matrix.

Unprecedented times

So here we are in 2018.

Through a set of circumstances that are hard to view as anything but providential intervention, patriots took a stand and Donald J Trump was elected President of the most powerful nation on earth. In this moment, it is even more critical for us to remember this fact: the power of America comes from God and the free will of a people willing and determined to live up to the calling of freedom by taking responsibility, individually and collectively, as a free sovereign people.

The American revolution was an unprecedented event in history when human beings rose to establish a nation of the people, by the people, for the people.

So now, in 2018, the world is waking up. Q has gone mainstream, and the Plan is in action. But looking down the road, what does the future hold? How can we take the lessons we are learning today and look forward to the future, to a time when the Cabal is defeated but when it will fall to us again to preserve freedom for future generations.

To me, I think the mission of Q is much more than it seems. On one hand, in 2018, Q is a genius strategy to circumvent a compromised and corrupt media world and awaken the people to the real corruption in the Swamp and beyond. But Q is also much, much more. You have more than you know.

Part II A Civilian Intelligence Militia here