Baby steps, as NCAA is the first to recognize that players who have a documented case of covid do not need to be vaccinated (albeit weirdly limited to cases in the last 90 days, but it’s a shift to at last recognizing natural immunity) https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/01/breaking-return-sanity-ncaa-allows-covid-herd-immunity-participate-sporting-activities/
Both the EU and the WHO sound warnings about repeated booster shots because they look to be ruining immune systems https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/01/frightening-joins-eu-changes-direction-suddenly-warns-taking-continued-covid-booster-shots/
Fauci and NIH coverup of effectiveness of ivermectin and HCQ is more fully exposed https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/01/bombshell-veritas-documents-reveal-dc-bureaucrats-evidence-ivermectin-hydroxychloroquine-effective-treating-covid-hid-public/
Fauci lied to Congress yet again yesterday, he has not revealed his investments and sources of income https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/01/dr-fauci-claimed-yesterday-financials-available-claims-just-arent-true/
Scientists told Fauci in Feb 2020 that covid likely came from Chinese lab but everyone buried it https://www.express.co.uk/news/science/1548715/covid-news-china-wuhan-lab-leaked-email-exposed-origin-scientists-scared-coronavirus
Top Israeli immunologist slams his country’s mishandling of covid https://stevekirsch.substack.com/p/top-israeli-immunologist-criticizes
White House is fortifying with 10’ blast walls all around, prepping for something (and forgetting that walls don’t work) https://theconservativetreehouse.com/blog/2022/01/12/biden-administration-erecting-concrete-blast-and-security-wall-around-white-house/
Schumer shockingly admits that their attempted voting law is intended to keep the Dem majority https://twitter.com/SRCC/status/1481279579734032384
Pennsylvania judge allows Penn Senate’s 2020 election investigation to continue https://www.nbcphiladelphia.com/news/politics/pennsylvania-court-election-investigation-subpoena/3103014/
AOC’s opponent runs great ad exposing AOC’s hypocrisy https://twitter.com/TinaForteUSA/status/1480629735319289856
Biden’s approval drops to 33% according to Quinnipiac (25% among independents) https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/01/quinnipiac-poll-biden-overall-approval-plummets-33-percent-25-percent-approval-among-independents/
Biden cannot even begin to find a way to spin the disastrous economic situation he created https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/white-house/biden-ignores-worst-inflation-rate-in-40-years-to-focus-on-the-positives
GOP governor of Maryland (term-limited out) would thrash incumbent Dem Senator from Maryland, poll says https://dailycaller.com/2022/01/11/larry-hogan-2022-senate-poll-chris-van-hollen/
Dem operatives think Hillary is their best hope in 2024, that’s how bad it is for the Dems https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/democratic-operatives-say-hillary-clinton-is-best-option-for-party-to-win-2024-election
Washington DC Mayor orders citywide vaccine cards and photo ID to dine indoors, somehow forgetting that requiring photo IDs are racist https://twitter.com/MayorBowser/status/1481310274636455940
High school rapist in Loudon, Virginia was exactly as monstrous as we all knew, recall how Dems had covered this up for election purposes https://twitter.com/BrentBozell/status/1481450838090559489
CNN has lost nearly 90% of its 2021 audience https://www.foxnews.com/media/fox-news-tops-espn-most-watched-cable-network-cnn
See you tomorrow.
#7 ‐ So many possibilities for the reason they're constructing that wall. Optics for the J6 thing? Muh domestic terrorists? Or, is something in the works that's really going to piss the public off? Some say that if Supreme Court rules in favor of the vax mandate, that's going to set up a shit storm. Or...Devolution in play? More will be revealed.