I have experience here. Im not a scientist nor have any medical degree but I can confidentiality say with experience. That being vax free did not make the coof more dangerous for me. Or my vax free family. However. What we did notice. Is that all the vaxxed family got very sick from the coof from the same event. The vax frees worse symptom was a mild fever and a sore throat. The vaxxed however could not get outta bed for 2-3 days. Thabk you for your time : )
I have experience here. Im not a scientist nor have any medical degree but I can confidentiality say with experience. That being vax free did not make the coof more dangerous for me. Or my vax free family. However. What we did notice. Is that all the vaxxed family got very sick from the coof from the same event. The vax frees worse symptom was a mild fever and a sore throat. The vaxxed however could not get outta bed for 2-3 days. Thabk you for your time : )