Hey there,
My wife and I are currently separated and while we were together we had decided we wouldn’t vaccinate our baby. We had read and heard how vaccines weren’t nearly as effective or safe as they are touted to be, and just couldn’t bring ourselves to inject aborted fetal cells and other chemicals into our beautiful baby boy.
However, my wife has walked out on our marriage and is in a very ‘headstrong’ place at the moment and is now insisting that he receive some of the vaccinations. In ‘discussion’ at the moment is the Diptheria/tetanus/pertussis/HB/Haemophilius influenza (Infanrix) and the Pneumococcal vaccine (Synflorix).
I have a terrible feeling about my little boy having these things injected into him. Could someone either ease my fears or point me to some website/information that I could show my wife? It’s almost impossible to find information that isn’t just the mainstream Big Pharma narrative. I am open to being corrected. I also posted this on c/Health but I really wanted to post here as I received some great advice here that helped me a lot with my cancer treatment. Thank you.
Thanks so much for this. Is there any chance you could tell me which pages in that transcript have the really hard-hitters in there? I will read through the whole thing but I’m on a bit of a time crunch as she is threatening to go to court over it.
EDIT: What is your opinion on Paul Thomas’ ‘the Vaccine-friendly Plan’? She seems to be getting most of her info from there which is apparently a cautious source.
Just checked the Paul Thomas plan, and it does seem like they exclude a whole bunch of vaccines - it seems like minimising the number of vaccines to reduce exposure to Mercury. The topic discussed in Simpsonwood conference was the very same thing - cumulative exposure to mercury from the wide array of vaccines would exceed the safety threshold.
I don't really know much more about the childhood vaccines, but just by reading that site it feels like Paul Thomas seem to be addressing the mercury overdose. So perhaps your ex-wife is not doing a 180 degress, but rather trying to find a middle ground? I would suggest talking with her more, and discussing these. It may turn out that she is still on the same page as you.