And... AND.... your great grandfather never knew he was used as a pawn by the DS/Cabal to fight a war that never should have been fought in the first place.
nope. he was a 17 yr old farm kid who knew how to drive a split trans axle truck. wasnt even issued a gun. He drove a duce & 1/2 supply truck on the red ball express. Beans and bullets to the front, body bags to the rear. 24 hrs a day in the truck cab. 3 drivers. 8 hours behind the wheel. 8 hours on map duty, 8 hours sleep. The truck only stopped to load /unload/ change oil/ refuel
You got a problem with soldiers who fight for their country?
He's a brave man and I had my grandparents both fight in world war II as well but the correct answer is no one should join the military we shouldn't even have an army and we should never ever leave this great country to go fight anywhere else because we have everything we need and no one can take it from us. We are all brothers and sisters of the human race and I am really getting sick and tired of the old dynamic of nations pretending to be sovereign but really working against the people. I believe in pure liberty with every man woman and child on earth being a citizen of earth and a private owner of their own destiny. I know this is going to come off as some weird new world order crap but I believe the world is changing whether you like it or not and my vision for the future is a world without borders but not the kind that the new world order imagines I believe in true freedom for all people but that involves all of us not being evil satanic pedos.
And... AND.... your great grandfather never knew he was used as a pawn by the DS/Cabal to fight a war that never should have been fought in the first place.
But that doesnt change his willingness to sacrifice for liberty and freedom.
nope. he was a 17 yr old farm kid who knew how to drive a split trans axle truck. wasnt even issued a gun. He drove a duce & 1/2 supply truck on the red ball express. Beans and bullets to the front, body bags to the rear. 24 hrs a day in the truck cab. 3 drivers. 8 hours behind the wheel. 8 hours on map duty, 8 hours sleep. The truck only stopped to load /unload/ change oil/ refuel
You got a problem with soldiers who fight for their country?
He's a brave man and I had my grandparents both fight in world war II as well but the correct answer is no one should join the military we shouldn't even have an army and we should never ever leave this great country to go fight anywhere else because we have everything we need and no one can take it from us. We are all brothers and sisters of the human race and I am really getting sick and tired of the old dynamic of nations pretending to be sovereign but really working against the people. I believe in pure liberty with every man woman and child on earth being a citizen of earth and a private owner of their own destiny. I know this is going to come off as some weird new world order crap but I believe the world is changing whether you like it or not and my vision for the future is a world without borders but not the kind that the new world order imagines I believe in true freedom for all people but that involves all of us not being evil satanic pedos.