posted ago by FractalizingIron ago by FractalizingIron +9 / -0

Sing this merry song, my pedes. You know the tune!


Extra sauce Who’s Sweating Now? Ghislaine Maxwell Ends Fight to Keep John Doe Names Sealed

If you need help, just play Miss Andrews along as you read the lyrics...


Let's start at the very beginning, a very good place to start... #Q4566

When you steal, you begin with C _ A,

When you sing you begin with "Does Gonna Squeal"...

(Does gonna squeal)

Does gonna squeal. The first three does are just gonna squeal...

(Does gonna squeal)

Does Gonna Squeal Like Stuck Little Pigs!....

hmmm. Let's see if I can make it easier...

Does, "oh dear, oh goddam dear!"

Ray, like Chandler gonna sing

Me, yes you, we see you now

Far, there’s nowhere you can run!

So, now whatcha gonna do?

Larp, all this is for a larp?

Ti, adreno now all gone

This will bring us back to No!

No- Thing- Can- Stop- What- Is- Com- Ing-!



Cred to (Adm) Rogers and (TruthHammer) stein