622 The Epoch Times really did us all a huge service with this. One thing comes to mind. Durham! (media.greatawakening.win) posted 3 years ago by StageL3ft 3 years ago by StageL3ft +622 / -0 47 comments download share 47 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
That M has some funny spacing to it.
Remember the FOIA search frustrations a few years back with the deliberate misspelling of names like Corney instead of Comey?
The graphic has "Corn" written in the very last box for November. Is that a reference to Comey or someone with the last name Corn?
Honestly, I got lost in the “time for harvest” comms that were going on with the corn reference as well. But I did read a lot of slightly one off mis-spellings in the FOIA searches by other Anons.