For now, this is the best we have. Exposure. It's truly a war of information, so IF one wishes to lay blame, blame sheep, blame satanists, blame society, blame the fks actually doing/allowing these abuses to children (and the rest of humanity).
Just don't blame good people who, for the FIRST time in recorded history, are trying to actually do SOMETHING about these freaks? It's literally a war. If you have something, an idea that won't have casualties, then by all means speak up?
Maybe use that energy to lie blame where it actually belongs? It ain't here. We're doing best we can. Taking on an evil empire that's been in control since, at least, before Babylon isn't a cakewalk? That said, rest easy bc in the end.... God Wins.
My plan is to stop hanging my hope on MANKIND, especially ones who say that others have a plan and are doing things to make a change, but they themselves dont know the exact plan or even what the true end goal is.
What good people do you know for 100% certain ARE doing something about these freaks? What exactly has been done to change or stop these freaks? Not theories, but actual solid proof that something IS in fact changing for the good?
In the end, we all need to focus on ourselves and our own families and do the best we can to help those in our immediate area.
Evil resides on both sides of the fight because it is infiltrating and dividing, but too many people still see this as a dem vs republican issue when the stupid party labels have NOTHING to do with the real cause. Both factions got us to where we are and we even allowed it to get this far.
Many here may be ok with half-truths and being strung along by so many people for various goal-reaching, but at this point, it's getting pathetic. Half-truths from anyone doesn't give me the full knowledge to let me know if I am fighting for the right people when the time comes (such as voting for people when they never truly deserved our support in the first place).
Yes, this is an information war, but it is one where too many arent even willing to have their own information bias challenged in any way. Even more so, it's a spiritual war and it wont be won by the following ANYONE blindly, without question. Good people fighting the good fight with true intentions SHOULD welcome all questioning.
Alright. Fine. So what's your Plan?
For now, this is the best we have. Exposure. It's truly a war of information, so IF one wishes to lay blame, blame sheep, blame satanists, blame society, blame the fks actually doing/allowing these abuses to children (and the rest of humanity).
Just don't blame good people who, for the FIRST time in recorded history, are trying to actually do SOMETHING about these freaks? It's literally a war. If you have something, an idea that won't have casualties, then by all means speak up?
Maybe use that energy to lie blame where it actually belongs? It ain't here. We're doing best we can. Taking on an evil empire that's been in control since, at least, before Babylon isn't a cakewalk? That said, rest easy bc in the end.... God Wins.
My plan is to stop hanging my hope on MANKIND, especially ones who say that others have a plan and are doing things to make a change, but they themselves dont know the exact plan or even what the true end goal is.
What good people do you know for 100% certain ARE doing something about these freaks? What exactly has been done to change or stop these freaks? Not theories, but actual solid proof that something IS in fact changing for the good?
In the end, we all need to focus on ourselves and our own families and do the best we can to help those in our immediate area.
Evil resides on both sides of the fight because it is infiltrating and dividing, but too many people still see this as a dem vs republican issue when the stupid party labels have NOTHING to do with the real cause. Both factions got us to where we are and we even allowed it to get this far.
Many here may be ok with half-truths and being strung along by so many people for various goal-reaching, but at this point, it's getting pathetic. Half-truths from anyone doesn't give me the full knowledge to let me know if I am fighting for the right people when the time comes (such as voting for people when they never truly deserved our support in the first place).
Yes, this is an information war, but it is one where too many arent even willing to have their own information bias challenged in any way. Even more so, it's a spiritual war and it wont be won by the following ANYONE blindly, without question. Good people fighting the good fight with true intentions SHOULD welcome all questioning.