666 MODERNA IS THE CREATOR OF SARS-CoV2 (media.greatawakening.win) 😷 DEM PANIC 💉 posted 3 years ago by IloveDJT2020 3 years ago by IloveDJT2020 +666 / -0 126 comments download share 126 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
I'm curious how Moderna's fingers are all over it? Isn't Moderna the company that had never brought a product to market?
Not exact. About 95% exact. This is how we get discredited. I found that out researching a bit more carefully. Just like when codemonkey posted the project Veritas documents he made some huge leaps.
I know people get excited, it happens.
Zigackly.. They had had over a billion dollars invested in them and no products to market. So they came up with something I suppose.