Love the Moderna gonna burna but not soon enough imho. While we're building the fire, it sure would be nice to throw the following into the pyre:
all of the hospital administrators who allowed so many to be killed,
whoever threw those nice little "incentives" into the CARES act that paid hospitals/care homes, etc for covid "treatments",
every.fucking.medical "professional" who participated in the deaths of each and every victim,
the media who parroted the lie,
the politicians who also parroted the lie,
everyone involved in the creation of the virus and everyone who withheld the cures.
If "we caught them all" truly means that they caught them all then hang 'em at high noon and let's get on with rebuilding this world the way that the Good Lord intended until He comes again. Yes, I know this isn't exactly how Revelation goes but it still works for me.
I'm with you, fren. From the Big Pharma lab scientists to the hospital administrators to the family doctors pushing vaccines and the smug bitch running the women's health center where I wanted to go a few months ago who posted on her website that she didn't want anyone to come to her facility unvaccinated, I hope they all swing. And I hope they feel the pain of the guilt before they go, although I don't know if they are capable. They are all complicit.
Love the Moderna gonna burna but not soon enough imho. While we're building the fire, it sure would be nice to throw the following into the pyre:
If "we caught them all" truly means that they caught them all then hang 'em at high noon and let's get on with rebuilding this world the way that the Good Lord intended until He comes again. Yes, I know this isn't exactly how Revelation goes but it still works for me.
Absolutely, throw all of them on the pyre as kindling for the big dogs.
I'm with you, fren. From the Big Pharma lab scientists to the hospital administrators to the family doctors pushing vaccines and the smug bitch running the women's health center where I wanted to go a few months ago who posted on her website that she didn't want anyone to come to her facility unvaccinated, I hope they all swing. And I hope they feel the pain of the guilt before they go, although I don't know if they are capable. They are all complicit.