Very true. We said from the beginning this would happen and we were scoffed at. Any business who continues to mandate taking this EUA shot with known side effects and including death means the recipient of the shot has agreed to be a lab rat, experimental subject and you are signing on at your own risk. Therefore, you should decline, including all the medical professionals and let them fire you. Doctors who have to pay a “tail” when they separate from their affiliated hospital should through an attorney site the illegality of being fired for not taking an EUA shot. What this essentially means is the medical institution broke the contract with the physician, for which the physician should not be held liable. When physicians signed a contract with the institution was the demand to take any and all vaccines, present and future, included in the contract? Same with nurses, X-ray techs, phlebotomists, stna’s, etc. Another thing to look at is do insurance companies have a clause now in the contract that sites this? I think if these policies are provided under a business as a benefit, being mandated to take it and the insurance company refusing to cover the death or permanent injury certainly opens the business to liability in a lawsuit. I am not an attorney, so just speculation on my part.
Very true. We said from the beginning this would happen and we were scoffed at. Any business who continues to mandate taking this EUA shot with known side effects and including death means the recipient of the shot has agreed to be a lab rat, experimental subject and you are signing on at your own risk. Therefore, you should decline, including all the medical professionals and let them fire you. Doctors who have to pay a “tail” when they separate from their affiliated hospital should through an attorney site the illegality of being fired for not taking an EUA shot. What this essentially means is the medical institution broke the contract with the physician, for which the physician should not be held liable. When physicians signed a contract with the institution was the demand to take any and all vaccines, present and future, included in the contract? Same with nurses, X-ray techs, phlebotomists, stna’s, etc. Another thing to look at is do insurance companies have a clause now in the contract that sites this? I think if these policies are provided under a business as a benefit, being mandated to take it and the insurance company refusing to cover the death or permanent injury certainly opens the business to liability in a lawsuit. I am not an attorney, so just speculation on my part.