17,371 through Q3 2021
FOI request posted @ https://www.ons.gov.uk/aboutus/transparencyandgovernance/freedomofinformationfoi/deathsfromcovid19withnootherunderlyingcauses?s=08
- 2020: 9400 (0-64: 1549 / 65 and over: 7851)
- 2021 Q1: 6483 (0-64: 1560/ 65 and over: 4923)
- 2021 Q2: 346 (0-64: 153/ 65 and over: 193)
- 2021 Q3: 1142 (0-64: 512/ 65 and over: 630)
For reference the ONS Office of National Statistics, a government agency, lists the average weekly deaths from years 2015 to 2020 at around 11,000 registered deaths per week and an average of 540,000 deaths per annum....
Note: There were no greater number of registered deaths in 2020 than in the previous 5 years .....