Archived link due to 1) paywall 2) F the Tampa Bay Times.
Synopsis: Federal funding has been used to undermine basic free market capitalism to turn our nation into a defacto Communist state. In Sunny Florida, megacorp butcheries AKA hospitals are now being further exposed as to who their masters really are. DeSantis leans back, administration says "We won't police sheeeeit" AKA "The ball's in your court, mass murderers".
Archived link due to 1) paywall 2) F the Tampa Bay Times.
Synopsis: Federal funding has been used to undermine basic free market capitalism to turn our nation into a defacto Communist state. In Sunny Florida, megacorp butcheries AKA hospitals are now being further exposed as to who their masters really are. DeSantis leans back, administration says "We won't police sheeeeit" AKA "The ball's in your court, mass murderers".
The next phase in "giving them enough rope".
Now stop the red lining, or whatever it's called, of health insurance plans intra State and inter State.