I got asked by a good friend recently redpilled who is on board with the governments being corrupted and all this division bring intentional, "Besides Epstein, what evidence do you have that there are global pedophile rings orchestrated by high up politician's and Hollywood elite?"
I pointed out the pattern of sexual assault cover-ups from Harvey weinstein, Bill Cosby, Kevin Spacey, etc... I pointed at the pentagon child porn scandal that went uninvestigated and brushed off from the early to mid 2000s.
The hunter Biden laptop contents. Ashley Biden's diary alleging inappropriate showers with her dad and being sexualized as a child, as well as the subsequent FBI raid on O'Keefe to confiscate the diary and cover up Biden's pedo crimes.
The Wikileaks emails from Hillary Clinton's server referencing pizza and hotdogs and the FBI pedo code words verifying the language. If there was nothing to these emails, why is Julian Assange still being held in the UK under terrible conditions?
And lastly I pointed to Corey Feldman's allegations that Hollywood's biggest scandal will always be pedophilia.
One of those events alone might be a one off. All of these events together AND tied neatly into Jeffrey Epstein's flight logs on the Lolita express is some damn strong corroboration in my book.
Thank you sir! At first I was taken aback by his open minded yet critical apprehension to why I believed in the elite pedo rings.
So I took a seat and started listing off all the puzzle pieces that brought me to believe this was actually a thing. I'm not one to buy into wild unsubstantiated claims unless I've really thoroughly sat on all the little bits of evidence. And to me, it just all makes sense once you get rid of the normalcy bias of "evil people wouldn't coordinate that intelligently and get away with so much for so long".
Could also include the way Disney peppers a lot of it's movies with Pedo symbols. Disneyland as well.
The Larry King scandal for literal proof of this stuff happening in upper level politics (no, not that Larry King).
Tom Hanks/Isaac Kappy and the mystery around Kappy's death, notably the Instagram post Hanks made about roadkill (on the road Kappy would later die on) which also included a bottle cap with a "p" on it lying on the ground (cap + p = cappy = Kappy). Also the person who ran Kappy over, his name is Forrest. Can't make this shit up lol...
What else...
Semi-related stuff could help too. MKULTRA glitch compilation videos are hard to explain away.
Oh, all the celebrities who constantly tweet about molesting kids (Patton Oswalt, Chrissie Urukhai, Sarah Silverman, that Marvel director, etc.).
Senate swearing-in ceremonies from 2011, 2013, 2015 and 2017 (especially the last 2).
The first video Dylan Groves (I think that's the name) uploaded about surviving the horrors she faced in what was most likely a (not so) abandoned underground military base tunnel system. If you watch her and pay attention to her voice it's clear that she's not lying, at least not intentionally. Sure, it's possible she could just be crazy, but I believe what she said.
Oh! Here's a good one: Ask your friend if he has noticed how the news will never talk about child trafficking even though it's happening literally 24/7. And ask him why in many places, people get more time in prison for stealing a car than the ones who rape children.
Edit: And the videos of David Spade desperately hoping that Tom Hanks "pulls through" and returns to the states. At one point he says if that doesn't happen, he will shoot himself.
The way to free one's self is simple; All one has to do is remove this simple phrase from one's mind: "They would never do that."
People have a hard time accepting that a lot of the celebs and politicans are pedos . they are just like.. no way man, no way.
I got asked by a good friend recently redpilled who is on board with the governments being corrupted and all this division bring intentional, "Besides Epstein, what evidence do you have that there are global pedophile rings orchestrated by high up politician's and Hollywood elite?"
I pointed out the pattern of sexual assault cover-ups from Harvey weinstein, Bill Cosby, Kevin Spacey, etc... I pointed at the pentagon child porn scandal that went uninvestigated and brushed off from the early to mid 2000s.
The hunter Biden laptop contents. Ashley Biden's diary alleging inappropriate showers with her dad and being sexualized as a child, as well as the subsequent FBI raid on O'Keefe to confiscate the diary and cover up Biden's pedo crimes.
The Wikileaks emails from Hillary Clinton's server referencing pizza and hotdogs and the FBI pedo code words verifying the language. If there was nothing to these emails, why is Julian Assange still being held in the UK under terrible conditions?
And lastly I pointed to Corey Feldman's allegations that Hollywood's biggest scandal will always be pedophilia.
One of those events alone might be a one off. All of these events together AND tied neatly into Jeffrey Epstein's flight logs on the Lolita express is some damn strong corroboration in my book.
Excellent summation!
Might include Mel Gibson's (and others) statement about Hollywood being an alter for child sacrifice (or something similar).
Thank you sir! At first I was taken aback by his open minded yet critical apprehension to why I believed in the elite pedo rings.
So I took a seat and started listing off all the puzzle pieces that brought me to believe this was actually a thing. I'm not one to buy into wild unsubstantiated claims unless I've really thoroughly sat on all the little bits of evidence. And to me, it just all makes sense once you get rid of the normalcy bias of "evil people wouldn't coordinate that intelligently and get away with so much for so long".
Could also include the way Disney peppers a lot of it's movies with Pedo symbols. Disneyland as well.
The Larry King scandal for literal proof of this stuff happening in upper level politics (no, not that Larry King).
Tom Hanks/Isaac Kappy and the mystery around Kappy's death, notably the Instagram post Hanks made about roadkill (on the road Kappy would later die on) which also included a bottle cap with a "p" on it lying on the ground (cap + p = cappy = Kappy). Also the person who ran Kappy over, his name is Forrest. Can't make this shit up lol...
What else...
Semi-related stuff could help too. MKULTRA glitch compilation videos are hard to explain away.
Oh, all the celebrities who constantly tweet about molesting kids (Patton Oswalt, Chrissie Urukhai, Sarah Silverman, that Marvel director, etc.).
Senate swearing-in ceremonies from 2011, 2013, 2015 and 2017 (especially the last 2).
The first video Dylan Groves (I think that's the name) uploaded about surviving the horrors she faced in what was most likely a (not so) abandoned underground military base tunnel system. If you watch her and pay attention to her voice it's clear that she's not lying, at least not intentionally. Sure, it's possible she could just be crazy, but I believe what she said.
Oh! Here's a good one: Ask your friend if he has noticed how the news will never talk about child trafficking even though it's happening literally 24/7. And ask him why in many places, people get more time in prison for stealing a car than the ones who rape children.
Edit: And the videos of David Spade desperately hoping that Tom Hanks "pulls through" and returns to the states. At one point he says if that doesn't happen, he will shoot himself.
All very good additions. Thanks mate.