posted ago by AriseNShine ago by AriseNShine +67 / -0

“Hard times make strong men, strong men make good times, good times make weak men, and weak men make hard times.”

This is the classic generational problem. Parents work hard to give their children a better life, but they often don't require their children to work hard to give their children a better life.

The generational vision is too short, so the generation that benefits from the inheritance of their parents ends up consuming the benefits instead of investing and stewarding them for the future.

We are in the midst of a cultural decline and it's easy to see the same ingredients at work. We have enjoyed wealth and good times, but we have become consumers focusing on our own enjoyment instead of sacrificing for our children and grandchildren.

In fact, we have actually sacrificed our children for our own self-actualization, most extremely through abortion. We have marginalized the worship of God and discipleship in the church. We have repudiated and deconstructed tradition and parents and authority, rewritten history, and cut our children off from their true cultural inheritance through our education system.

Now we have reached a tipping point where our nation has been taken over by lawless globalists who are the latest version of an empire with an agenda of taking us all into captivity.

Revival history is tied to this cultural cycle. Revivals often break out in seasons of revolution and reformation. Revival brings us back to God, to the truth, to our identity, to virtue, and then to legacy and purpose.

Why are we here? We are here because we are part of a multi-generational mission in which Jesus is creating a family and nation from all the nations of the world. It's bigger than the rise and fall of any nation or empire. It's all that matters for eternity.

We need a revival to recover our spiritual and cultural inheritance in this nation, in our families, in the world. We need a move of God to restore everything that is ours that we have lost or forgotten, and to give us a vision for how to pass this on for generations to come.

  • Danny Silk (Highly recommend you check his books and podcast out if you are looking to create a healthy culture in your home and family.)