I get a "free" local newspaper tossed in my driveway 2 times a week. It is in a blue plastic sleeve. I can see the front page through the plastic. I do not remember the last time I did not see some Covid article before I drop the paper still in the blue plastic sleeve in the trash.
I go over to my father-in -laws house because he just recently moved close by. He has Fox News on all the time unless he is watching football. They seen to be pushing covid almost 24-7. At least that is what is seems like when I am there.
I leave his house feeling a little depressed. How do people put up with that day after day?
I know they are pushing this nonsense but I really did not know how crazy they have gotten with it.
When I go back home I think nothing about the china virus. I do think about the pain people are going though because of the lies.
I have to tell you it is really nice to be completely out of the loop and so completely uninformed on this "virus"
Merchants of chaos
Your FIL sounds just like mine. After 2 years he legitimately thinks catching covid will kill him.
This is also a guy who exercises regularly but has given into the narrative.
Fox News is cancer.
Exactly, He thinks getting covid is a 99% death sentence. He is scared out of his mind about his daughter and me not getting the shots.
I really believe subliminal messaging is being used on all of the msm. That and brainwashing of our young people are the only ways to explain how lefties act on issues like covid, orange man bad and so on. It's like OCD brainlock irrationality.
That might explain why you have depression and can't shake off thoughts about covid after visiting your father.
I belive most people here do not watch MSM,I quite watching it years ago,when I saw it was all lying commie propaganda.
I'm so bored of covid it hurts.