posted ago by Greatheart ago by Greatheart +20 / -0

I get a "free" local newspaper tossed in my driveway 2 times a week. It is in a blue plastic sleeve. I can see the front page through the plastic. I do not remember the last time I did not see some Covid article before I drop the paper still in the blue plastic sleeve in the trash.

I go over to my father-in -laws house because he just recently moved close by. He has Fox News on all the time unless he is watching football. They seen to be pushing covid almost 24-7. At least that is what is seems like when I am there.

I leave his house feeling a little depressed. How do people put up with that day after day?

I know they are pushing this nonsense but I really did not know how crazy they have gotten with it.

When I go back home I think nothing about the china virus. I do think about the pain people are going though because of the lies.

I have to tell you it is really nice to be completely out of the loop and so completely uninformed on this "virus"