How stupid can people be?? All you can do is shake your head.
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I have reservations about him as well. He was also married to Katy Perry.
That's one of many things, I agree. And while I do like what the others have said, it's an issue of pedanticism tbh. I want to like him, I do, because I most certainly like what he's saying. But given everything that's been happening, I just don't think it wise to support someone who's clearly already been around those kinds of ppI. I'll support the message but I won't support the messenger. Messengers can be b ought but a message's value is always in its truth.
We need to say, yeah, thanks for agreeing with us, but we are not going to follow you. We did that silly celebrity thing before and it did not work out for us. You’ll have to prove yourself over the long haul.