They used false flags to lie us into Vietnam, WW1, WW2, among others. Then there's all the "police actions" like the Spanish American War, invasion of Philippines, Desert Storm(s), Afghanistan, etc.
Every man who served thought he was protecting his country, but it was the war profiteers and multinational corporations who were behind all of them. We were lied to, and the media happily carried their water every single time.
One of the mods invited me to post my own content here, so I think I'm ok sharing it openly. Hope you enjoy and I look forward to feedback.
As for extermination, as much as I hate that word, these people and their unholy worldview does need eradication. It's the only way the rest of us will ever live in peace.
This is not an easy task and it will take a long time.
They used false flags to lie us into Vietnam, WW1, WW2, among others. Then there's all the "police actions" like the Spanish American War, invasion of Philippines, Desert Storm(s), Afghanistan, etc.
Every man who served thought he was protecting his country, but it was the war profiteers and multinational corporations who were behind all of them. We were lied to, and the media happily carried their water every single time.
All Wars Are Banker Wars.
Wish I could give you are 100 updoots u/War_Hamster!
(((They))) kill anyone they want to advance their power, money, control and evil. From Archduke Ferdinand to JFK.
Not a simple thing to undo for our Patriots in harm's way.
Ah I gotcha....
Yeah...I agree.... crimes against humanity what they have done.
I seriously wonder; if it weren't for the cabal & satanic elite; would we even have ANY wars???
You're asking a question I've discussed a few times on podcasts. My answer is that no, we would not have wars without those a$$holes.
People don't fight people. Governments fight governments, often for private interests.
Oh rly..... what is the name of your podcast? Could you share / DM me a link pls? I'd love to listen.
And I agree..... that is my suspicion..... it is absolutely enraging to contemplate.
We need to exterminate them all.....all the ruling, ultra wealthy, political elite...they are a true plague on humanity.
One of the mods invited me to post my own content here, so I think I'm ok sharing it openly. Hope you enjoy and I look forward to feedback.
As for extermination, as much as I hate that word, these people and their unholy worldview does need eradication. It's the only way the rest of us will ever live in peace.
This is not an easy task and it will take a long time.