Hijacking top comment for an update from Hungary: the EU, as predicted, was pissed with this and as always, started threatening Hungary with withholding EU funds (not even legal, but they don't care, the EU is not democratic). Orban said this is what the people want and the EU has no right to interfere with an internal matter. To prove that, Hungary will hold a referendum about the question, together with the general election in April. The people will vote about this. And they will vote yes I am sure. EU can eat a bag of dicks.
Hijacking top comment for an update from Hungary: the EU, as predicted, was pissed with this and as always, started threatening Hungary with withholding EU funds (not even legal, but they don't care, the EU is not democratic). Orban said this is what the people want and the EU has no right to interfere with an internal matter. To prove that, Hungary will hold a referendum about the question, together with the general election in April. The people will vote about this. And they will vote yes I am sure. EU can eat a bag of dicks.