It is the State of Hawaii (the so called elites) to be more honest the stupid asshole governor and politicos are doing this shit not the everyday people trying to survive Most are so brain washed that i think there is no hope for these sheeple But there is also a whole bunch of us that believe in freedom In fact I believe that President Trump won in Hawaii because the mail in voting in Hawaii has been compromised I have not met anyone who says they voted for Xiden Except the trolls that attack GEOTUS in the comments section of the local newspaper and it must be paid for because it always follows the same path echo chamber until a Trump supporter shows up to spread the truth then they are attacked shamed and called names they make it very personal so that the person will never leave a comment again But to leave a comment you have to subscribe and pay for the online paper like i said have never met anyone who voted for Xiden in a state that has been held hostage by the democrats since 1959 Democrats that steal and make slush funds because money goes missing all the time and you never hear anything about it again just that X amount of money can't be accounted for
It is the State of Hawaii (the so called elites) to be more honest the stupid asshole governor and politicos are doing this shit not the everyday people trying to survive Most are so brain washed that i think there is no hope for these sheeple But there is also a whole bunch of us that believe in freedom In fact I believe that President Trump won in Hawaii because the mail in voting in Hawaii has been compromised I have not met anyone who says they voted for Xiden Except the trolls that attack GEOTUS in the comments section of the local newspaper and it must be paid for because it always follows the same path echo chamber until a Trump supporter shows up to spread the truth then they are attacked shamed and called names they make it very personal so that the person will never leave a comment again But to leave a comment you have to subscribe and pay for the online paper like i said have never met anyone who voted for Xiden in a state that has been held hostage by the democrats since 1959 Democrats that steal and make slush funds because money goes missing all the time and you never hear anything about it again just that X amount of money can't be accounted for