458 4th jab “NOT GOOD ENOUGH” against Omicron, Israeli study shows 😳 IT WILL NEVER BE “GOOD ENOUGH” because it’s NOT ABOUT THE VIRUS 🤡🌎 ITS ABOUT CONTROL !!! (media.greatawakening.win) posted 3 years ago by Oldpatriot (context) 3 years ago by Oldpatriot +459 / -1 54 comments download share 54 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
Here you go folks, normie friendly news for those stubborn friends and family saying "Once I take 4th shot Omicron is gone!"
Help me fine-tune this meme and we can shoot this to the normie-land https://i.imgflip.com/61nc13.jpg
The same thing the same way over and over…..
That’s all I would add.
how about a riddle?….
I do the same thing the same way over and over expecting a different result.
What am I?
Answer: Crazy
Ah, I don't want to reword his quote. Why even give an opening for the meme-fact checkers lol
I think it’s good to go!
Cheers mate!