Check out his telegram... now he is implicating that DeSantis is a player in child sex trafficing and a RINO. I don't know 🤷♂️. Over the last year his claims seem to get more and more outlandish. To me Lin seems to be just another source of hot air that doesn't ever seem to make it to the baloon and go anywhere. And this just makes me think he is completely nuts.
Either he is a friggin genius or he is a basketcase. I guess time will tell.... as for me, I'm taking a break from him for awhile.
Definitely. Lin started to get major heat when he asked Flynn thise very question regarding his involvement in Pegasus et al. Instead of answers, flynn and other 3 star folks started the ad hominem attacks. And instead of answers, we get vague nothing. Standing offers to host open and honest talk in person and virtual offered to flynn byrne to settle it but they demured
And it was funny how Byrne acted like a shield for Flynn so Flynn didnt have to defend himself directly. Anyone who doesnot watch what Lin says with great interest is missing out.