posted ago by Despitetospite ago by Despitetospite +81 / -1

“I am proud to have been the “anti-mandate” President”

He didn’t say “the economy President” (which he was before Covid).

He didn’t say the America First President”

He didn’t even say “the immigration President”

These are all what someone would think he would be saying at this time when they voted for him in 2016.

However, this was not what the Trump Presidency was about.

All of those issues, “an insider can simply undo” them. They of course have been. Maybe this was a needed part of the plan? PANIC?


The skepticism has not and cannot be undone.

Trump as POTUS wasn’t supposed to fix every issue permanently.

“Drain the swamp” meant lower the water so everyone can see.

What has happened with both the “new normal” and the lies and hatred against Trump and Trump supporters has always been happening, but previously was much more subtle and hidden.

Trump’s role in this plan was exposing it.

In my view, what has been exposed is being done in such a way that it will make the eventual “declas” of the crimes and truth able to be accepted by as many people as possible, and make sure what has happened (not just the last 4 years, but however long whatever exactly is happening was going on) can and will NEVER happen again.

Regardless of if the q plan end eventually happens, and ends with every truth and crime being exposed and “power given back to you, the people”, this is a “great awakening”.