so force religion onto him and shame him? that'll totally not breed resentment and severe trauma later in his life... I seriously hope you never have kids if you think even for a second that this is even remotely acceptable.
Thanks but your Hate is too late, all my kids are grown, none are queer or leftist twits. One sorta squishy DIL wants to embrace wokeism some, her friends are all statists, commie-wannabees, and we are carefully educating her kids/our grandkids away from every stoopid thing she says.
so force religion onto him and shame him? that'll totally not breed resentment and severe trauma later in his life... I seriously hope you never have kids if you think even for a second that this is even remotely acceptable.
Thanks but your Hate is too late, all my kids are grown, none are queer or leftist twits. One sorta squishy DIL wants to embrace wokeism some, her friends are all statists, commie-wannabees, and we are carefully educating her kids/our grandkids away from every stoopid thing she says.
Trust in God, and BE parents.