Quantum computers are able to transport unsolvable problems to another dimention where they are able to be solved. Sorry I can't dimiss the ( in my mind ) possibilty that Q isn't human as we accept the definition. AI, Spirtual or Angelic? #NCSWIC
Q = A human augmented with Quantum AI & Consciousness Virtualization tech. That human is Austin Steinbart (in the near future, not currently though. His life journey leads to becoming Q). Q posts are time traveling messages, sent from the future using the Quantum internet. Most people do not believe any of this, and will attack this information. There is plenty of evidence in its favor though.
Quantum computers are able to transport unsolvable problems to another dimention where they are able to be solved. Sorry I can't dimiss the ( in my mind ) possibilty that Q isn't human as we accept the definition. AI, Spirtual or Angelic? #NCSWIC
Q = A human augmented with Quantum AI & Consciousness Virtualization tech. That human is Austin Steinbart (in the near future, not currently though. His life journey leads to becoming Q). Q posts are time traveling messages, sent from the future using the Quantum internet. Most people do not believe any of this, and will attack this information. There is plenty of evidence in its favor though.