My mother has been battling COVID for about 6 days. She's a strong lady but she just called sobbing. She said everything hurts and pain is a 9.
She has Multiple Sclerosis so we always knew that WHEN she got COVID it would be tough. She is unvaxxed. She has been taking Hydroxychloroquine and zinc... And just took some Ivermectin.
Is there anything else we could/should be doing? IV Fluids? Monoclonal Antibodies?
If you want the scientific description of what is going on, you know how a balloon will eventually deflate?
There are tiny pores in the rubber that the tinier helium eventually wiggles its way through.
It's the same concept with the spike proteins, except the proteins are also sticky when they are made malformed, which complicates things.
So it's gonna take a damn long time, but it tracks logarithmic decay function.
At the start the concentration of the spike proteins is overwhelming, but eventually it tapers off. You can never hope to get rid of them completely, but they will be so sparse at some point you'd be at higher risk of dying to background radiation.