We've been taught about all the differences between x and y. From black to white and xx and xy, through our lens, we see and through our mind we interpret. We analyze to differentiate.
But the thing is, as I'm sure many of us have started to see, there's more similarities we share than differences. Because we see that with a little $ and a little malicious indoctrination, those differences can easily be amplified.
Had it really been about black vs white, we wouldn't see white conservative vs white liberal. Had it really been about East vs West, we wouldn't see India vs A*shoe. Had it really been about religion, we wouldn't all be in the same sh*t.
Yet here we are, fighting amongst ourselves when the only front worth fighting in is right vs wrong. Because if we stop long enough to get a good look at each other, we'll realize there's more that B I N D S us.
I won't lay claim to even remotely suggest that I've somehow learnt not to hate. Quite frankly, I don't think that's possible. There are certain personalities that I just don't get along with, but it's not like they're a great representation for any group of people. What it is, though, is that I've been lucky enough to meet people from all across the world to realize a simple truth. We're all the same.
For there is no group of people in the WORLD that doesn't have SOMEONE who loves pets, that doesn't play boardgames, that doesn't play Halo, that doesn't complain about lag, that doesn't laugh when dogs go full retard, that doesn't find it hilarious when their mini-humies laugh over the dumbest crap, that hasn't gotten Rick Rolled, or that doesn't watch cat videos online. Yet not one group I've talked to has anyone that finds AmyS chumer funny but I digress.
And how sad it is that we would dismiss all these commonalities over a different colour shirt or a different colour hat that we would bIind ourselves to the only difference that matters. Are you willing to believe a lie so that you may live a comfortable life? Or are you willing to see the world for what it truly is and the powers that seek to corrupt it? If you're in the latter, which I'm hoping you all are, it's time I think we start talking to one another again.
As the truth gets out about the jabs, I think there'll be more people realizing that we're all in this together. Yes, even AmyS chumer's number one (and only) fan. They'll be looking for answers. Let's show them how to find it themselves.
Yes, no question.