National Guard in Hospitals? Planes can't fly due to 5G? "Scare Event" - "WAR Coming Fast; U.S. Navy Sorties 22 Warships, 4 Nuclear Subs in ONE DAY" - Storm Upon Us?
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That deep freezer won't be worth anything if/when the power goes out.
Do you really think, that someone with a freezer full of food, has no back up power? C'mon man! Think it through buddy. We are all here for the long haul
There's lots of gomers out there that own a lot of tacticool stuff, but don't know how to use it. Hell, I saw some porker with what looked like a full army kit on one knee, holding an AR-15 (which by Natural Rights should be an M4) that didn't look like it had a sling. He trips, he loses his rifle. Not all of us have 'land', or even our own house, because housing prices are bullshit and price younger people out of it completely.
I would imagine there are lots of people that only have the room/equipment or lack thereof for freeze dried/dry goods for long-term use.
I'll make jerky out of all the meat.