UK News - Boris cancels all restrictions! (except maybe NHS mandates) No more masks and back to the office as Plan B restrictions dropped
⚠️ Vax-FREEDOM ☠️
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Beware of the offer as a means to neuter public anger..... And this will be temporary and effective while another more draconian policy is set into place. Behind the scene, is the UK government building 'COVID' gulags? Is a new law being formulated authorizing more power to the Ministry of Health? Are those who believe in Natural immunity and oppose the injecticide to be shipped off to the gulags of Australia? What other tactics are being implemented? What happens to the criminals of this pandemic fraud?
This may be a temporary measure to appease the public and to neuter their growing anger. In other words a compromise..... a delay. The people of the UK should not pause, but pursue ever faster. The only way to assure the rights and liberties of the people is to remove every last conspirator involved in these crimes against humanity. Once the government regime has been removed from power, then the trials should begin as they did in Nuremberg. Every politician running for office needs to be vetted to support a new Magna Carta recognizing and protecting each individual's natural immunity and their natural Right being ordained from the Creator and not by government or persons, or legal fictions, and is not to be ever infringed. Furthermore, that the responsible criminals be tried for crimes against humanity as related to the New Nuremberg 2021 Trails that Reiner Fuellmich's organization is heading consisting of team of over 1,000 lawyers and over 10,000 medical experts. That the courts of the UK will act immediately act.