My last good day was January 3rd. In the morning I swam 1.25 miles in just over 40 minutes. This was more than 30 seconds faster than the last one I did in late December. For a 65 year old whose weight is in the middle 250s that’s a good time. Also, 99% of you probably can’t even do this. Later, I tutored for 3 hours in the afternoon.
On, Wednesday the 5th, I got hit with the hardest intestinal infection I’ve ever had, just after helping my mother-in-law level a medical facility where she had tests after a fall. By Friday, the 7th, I was getting gassed climbing a flight of stairs in my home. It got worse during the weekend.
On, Tuesday, the 11th, I applied for a consultation on America’s Frontline Doctors website. On Wednesday, the 12th, I had a phone conference with one of the doctors at 9 PM. The doctor prescribed me Ivermectin and two other meds. Due to a holiday weekend, I did not talk to a pharmacist until yesterday. I paid an extra $50 for overnight delivery. The meds arrived today and I started the protocol an hour after they arrived. Within 4 hours, I went from Clark Kent to Superman. While I stayed indoors, I completed every household chore my wife wanted done and started a few she was putting off until the end of the week.
Last week, I was too weak to even keep current with what was going on here at GAW. Now I feel I’m fit to return to active service.
If any you suddenly get hit by a strong disease, keep America’s Frontline Doctors in mind.
I am making no money off this endorsement.
Thank you for posting this. My family just returned from Disney World and we have all come down with Covid. Just used the service. I have been doing the dr zdenko protocol of d3, zink, vitamin c and quercitin but still have gotten sick. Thanks for posting!!!! I am grateful.