Spending too much time on this site?
<---- EVERYBODY OUT ---->
How many people here believe you spend too much time on this site, but do it anyway? :) If you are like me, you read the posts here for two reasons, to get news that MSM omits, and to see how far along "the plan" appears to be progressing. We can't do much about either, for the most part (some calls to elected officials can make some difference in some cases), but there just seems to be an attraction, almost like I don't want to miss something :)
"the plan" oh we can't do too much about "the plan" we gotta trust the plan, maybe we can call a politician and tell them how we feel
What a buncha bullshit, the point isn't that we "trust the plan" it's that people take ownership for their own lives, families, neighborhoods, countries, and we kick these fucking parasites to the curb.
We can't do much? Other than share our feelings to some mighty politician? Why is that? Why do you say that? Is it cus you don't belong to the "ruling class"?
Maybe Donald Trump is doing some good stuff behind the curtains and we come visit this site to see how he may be doing. But nobody can make you into a man(or woman) other than yourself.
And a man is one who is the captain of their own ship and the master of their own fate