Very strange video released. The White has been lights-out at 9pm since biden inauguration. Last night most rooms had lights on. That and the new concrete perimeter wall sure raises a lot of questions.
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If you watch the video closely you see separate flashes in each 2nd floor front facing window - in perfect order from left to right. Also birds don't fly at night unless something scares them - like an explosion.
Or a cat, or someone rattling their perch. I wouldn't rely on birds. The flashes seem like reflections, maybe a fire truck blasted an air horn under them. The walls are the strange part.
Except for the Northern Mockingbirds, Owls(more than 225 species world wide),Petrels,Nightjars,Eastern Whip-Poor-Wills, Killdeers,Pauraques,Stone Curlews,American Woodcocks,Night Herons,Yellow Warblers,Tawny Frogmouths, Yellow Breasted Chats, Alder Flycatchers, Nightingales, Standard Frogmouths, Black Crowned Night Herons, Night Hawks..................... I could go on, but I'm sure you see the point.
Point taken :-) They have all those at the WH?