Hitler Kicks Off 'Minor Incursion' Into Poland
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I realize this was not your intent by posting this article, but it does present an opportunity to help set the record straight.
There is a centuries' long history of hatred of the Germans by the Poles. It's pretty complicated, but a brief summary goes like this: a new ruler of Poland made a shady side-deal with Britain for reparation money if they were ever the victim of war. After Churchill agreed to this, Poland began torturing and executing ethnic Germans living within Poland's borders in order to provoke Hitler. Hitler warned Poland again and again to no avail. Finally, Germany invaded Poland, freed the ethnic Germans, and offered Poland an olive branch because they wanted no part of a war with Poland. Propagandists used this invasion to spin a false narrative of Germany's expansionist plans, starting WWII.
A more in-depth explanation is here: https://ww2truth.com/2021/07/01/the-unknown-history-of-the-1939-german-polish-conflict/
...history is not immune to humor...
...but thank you for doing your part to set the "record straight"....
I'm Polish and this not true. Germans invaded Poland because they wanted our land and to have German colonies there. Many Polish cities were to be destroyed and created into new German cities, with adjacent Polish slave labor camps.
Hitler and the Nazis considered all Slavs as subhuman and Hitler condoned the killing of all Polish men, women and children. According to them, Polish people were unintelligent, had no culture, were unable to govern themselves and needed masters to tell them what to do. As soon as the Germans invaded Poland, they started rounding up Polish intelligentsia, leaders, scientists, doctors, priests etc and murdering them in order to lower Polish moral and so we wouldn't have leaders, whilst also looting our art and valuables, banning Polish schools and universities, burning or banning Polish books, falsely claiming our icons like Kopernicus, Maria Skłodowska Curie or Chopin were German and ordering that Polish children should only be taught to write their name, count only to 100, be obedient to their German masters, while reading and writing was not necessary to teach them. They also stated that as "Poland no longer existed", Polish POWs and civilians did not have the rights afforded by the Genevia Convention even though both Poland and Germany signed it. The only country part of the Genevia Conventions the Nazi Germans did that to. After the brave Warsaw uprising, Hitler and Himmler ordered Warsaw to be completely destroyed and razed to the ground by punishment and to have it's entire population murdered.
During the first few weeks of the September 1939 campaign, German lufftawe planes purposely targeted small Polish towns for practice deliberately bombed hospitals, as well as straffed civilians.
Before the war, Poland let it's German minority have German language newspapers which included popular Polish newspapers translated to German, their own cinemas, etc and so on. They were even German-language schools for German children in Poland. The whole "Poland oppressed their German minority" is false and not true, and was used as fake justification by the Nazis to invade Poland. Give me proof of that which isn't something said in a Hitler speech. Furthermore, even it it was true, it does not give Nazi German the right to invade Poland and genocide and enslave all Polish people. Did 1930s Germany have any Polish schools, Polish newspapers, Polish churches etc for their Polish minority after Hitler took power by force? Nope. Because they got rid of all them as soon as they could.
On the other hand, Germans have invaded Poland countless times throughout history, under many different names. Name one time Poland invaded and/or occupied Germany. I'm waiting. Germans have also colonized Poland several times with one occupation lasting 123 years. Germans have always been the aggressors against Poland. They have tried to Germanize millions of Polish children numerous times in the last 300 years, with countless blonde Polish children kidnapped by the Nazi Germans. When's the last time Polish people kidnapped German children and forced them to stop being German and to learn Polish? I'm waiting again..
Claiming the Germany has been the victim of Poland is an average retarded Nazi take. It's always fun to point out that Poland has existed at least 1000 years before Germany every did.
So, you present a case that's not supported by historical facts, and use a wartime propaganda film as evidence? In one scene, biplanes are shown attacking from the air. I'm sorry, but biplanes had LONG been replaced by single-wing aircraft by that time. This film, while perhaps showing some legitimate scenes of war and marching troops, is mostly garbage. The fact that you are gullible enough to believe this film represents fact, tells me everything about what else you write.
These wartime propaganda films were made by the U.S. government to sway public opinion about a war they wanted nothing to do with. They were tagged on to other films shown at theaters during those years, especially during afternoon matinees.
If you, in fact, are being serious, I urge you to invest the time in watching Europa: The Last Battle https://ww2truth.com/europa-the-last-battle/ The claims you have made are part of a propaganda campaign by the cabal to rewrite history, and completely distort the truth. It is critically important for all of us to recognize this, because it exposes the real enemy. This is the enemy General Patton spoke of, when he said, "We fought the wrong enemy."
By writing what you have, and presenting it as truth, you are doing their work for them. Congratulations.
Thank you for explaining this to people that were unaware of the truth.