People are spending less time in hospitals these days.
In 1975, there was no such thing as "day surgery". Now it's common to go into a hospital for surgery at 6:00am and be ready to go home by 2:00pm same day.
In 1975, there were virtually NO free standing medical clinics and ER's in the U.S.. These days, they are all over the place. People don't necessarily have to go to a hospital for treatments, xray or simple procedures.
Surgeries have also changed and become less invasive (less traumatic).
In 1975, if you needed an appendix removed or gall bladder... it was a major abdominal incision and weeks of recovery in a hospital. These days, it's done by laparoscopic surgery through a few small holes less than the size of a dime... and you go home same day. In 1975, if you needed a knee replacement, they had to cut both bones, remove the joint, insert rods into the leg bones... and it took 2 months to recover. These days, they install pre-made caps over the bone ends, surgery is computer guided, it only takes about 1 hour to complete... and you're walking the next day.
True enough, however MSM media still hypes and hyperventilates about "hospitals being overrun with Covid"... when in fact influenza can and has done the same fucking thing.
Fear mongering John and Jane Q Public about an issue that's been developing for 5 fucking decades.
But they don't tell you that pre-covid, hospitals were always being overrun. this is because they keep beds minimal and ER's are almost always 90-100% full. They scale when demand rises. These historical facts are left out to promote the fear necessary for compliance.
Exactly. It is baked into the system and is increasingly disproportionate with increasing population... It is a false narrative used to scare people into continued oppression and compliance that hasn't really been called out that I know of. I just thought it odd that in "normie" conversations it's often used as an example of the dire situation... and journos hadn't seemed to bother to confirm that our "hospital systems" haven't been able to handle even annual influenza events for quite some time.
People are spending less time in hospitals these days.
In 1975, there was no such thing as "day surgery". Now it's common to go into a hospital for surgery at 6:00am and be ready to go home by 2:00pm same day.
In 1975, there were virtually NO free standing medical clinics and ER's in the U.S.. These days, they are all over the place. People don't necessarily have to go to a hospital for treatments, xray or simple procedures.
Surgeries have also changed and become less invasive (less traumatic). In 1975, if you needed an appendix removed or gall bladder... it was a major abdominal incision and weeks of recovery in a hospital. These days, it's done by laparoscopic surgery through a few small holes less than the size of a dime... and you go home same day. In 1975, if you needed a knee replacement, they had to cut both bones, remove the joint, insert rods into the leg bones... and it took 2 months to recover. These days, they install pre-made caps over the bone ends, surgery is computer guided, it only takes about 1 hour to complete... and you're walking the next day.
No need for as many hospital beds.
True enough, however MSM media still hypes and hyperventilates about "hospitals being overrun with Covid"... when in fact influenza can and has done the same fucking thing.
Fear mongering John and Jane Q Public about an issue that's been developing for 5 fucking decades.
But they don't tell you that pre-covid, hospitals were always being overrun. this is because they keep beds minimal and ER's are almost always 90-100% full. They scale when demand rises. These historical facts are left out to promote the fear necessary for compliance.
Exactly. It is baked into the system and is increasingly disproportionate with increasing population... It is a false narrative used to scare people into continued oppression and compliance that hasn't really been called out that I know of. I just thought it odd that in "normie" conversations it's often used as an example of the dire situation... and journos hadn't seemed to bother to confirm that our "hospital systems" haven't been able to handle even annual influenza events for quite some time.
And women go home sooner after birth. These are surgical improvements. Being sick as with pneumonia hasn't kept up so much.