It is fast approaching. I think we need to be accepting to the brainwashed retards and try console them when the truth is fully revealed. I went through a severe depression when I found out how evil the world truly was, and dealing with it all alone was pure hell. Yeah, these dipshits have treated us like shit over the years but I think one of the main purposes of Q was to create hardened soldiers like us to help stop the normies from their brains exploding. Fuck me I want to go on the offensive after all the shit we've taken, but rising above it, consoling them and treating them with love is exactly how God would want us to conduct ourselves. We were all under the satanic dream-spell once upon a time too. This is our chance to show how all along all we wanted was to help our friends and family, not just to be proven right. Soon they will be coming to us for answers and we need to be there for them, especially the parents who have basically sentenced their children to death. This will be our chance to finally unite and show the world that love truly does conquer all.
Luke 6:37 “Judge not, and you will not be judged; condemn not, and you will not be condemned; forgive, and you will be forgiven;
They want my kids dead. They have said so. Those people don’t even hide it, they talk openly about eradicating white children and making them second class citizens. They tried to put masks on my children, they are trying to vaccinate my children. They are trying to dry up the supply line so that we can’t feed our children. No. Fuck them. No forgiveness. Not from me. Let Jesus forgive them. I’m a horrible person and I know that. But you don’t fuck with my kids.
I totally get what you are saying. It’s so hard to forgive these people especially with their heinous words and actions. Just please remember that Jesus instructs to forgive so that God can forgive us. Says it right in the Lord’s Prayer. Doesn’t mean we can’t fight back and rebuke them though. Just don’t let that anger keep in your heart because satan loves to play with it. God states he is the ultimate judge and will bring proper justice. They will get theirs in time if it be God’s will.
Forgive doesn’t mean tolerate. They can sit in prison. They can leave my country and start over somewhere else. I’m not God or the law or an executioner. So those are off the table for me personally. They can continue if they “drop the weapon.”
But I will not tolerate them.
But I don’t want to see them, talk to them, allow them into our neighborhoods, states or society.
You can forgive a criminal you shun but you don’t let him into your neighborhood or hand him a gun.
You can forgive an alcoholic but you don’t let him drive your children to school.
I will have no tolerance for any of them. NONE.
I’m with you. ZERO TOLERANCE. Hell, they’re still trying to kill us as we speak! If these leftist fools haven’t woken up by now, they most likely never will. I cannot save them, only God can. And may He have mercy on their souls.
Ok yeah I can respect that.
I forgive them already. I'll never trust them again. God says i shouldnt have concordance with evil.
Agreed. Forgiveness does not mean keeping association.