It is fast approaching. I think we need to be accepting to the brainwashed retards and try console them when the truth is fully revealed. I went through a severe depression when I found out how evil the world truly was, and dealing with it all alone was pure hell. Yeah, these dipshits have treated us like shit over the years but I think one of the main purposes of Q was to create hardened soldiers like us to help stop the normies from their brains exploding. Fuck me I want to go on the offensive after all the shit we've taken, but rising above it, consoling them and treating them with love is exactly how God would want us to conduct ourselves. We were all under the satanic dream-spell once upon a time too. This is our chance to show how all along all we wanted was to help our friends and family, not just to be proven right. Soon they will be coming to us for answers and we need to be there for them, especially the parents who have basically sentenced their children to death. This will be our chance to finally unite and show the world that love truly does conquer all.
Luke 6:37 “Judge not, and you will not be judged; condemn not, and you will not be condemned; forgive, and you will be forgiven;
So let me get this straight, rubbing it in their face to remind them that we were right and they were wrong, to you, is “just as bad“ as trying to kill millions with vaccines.
That is literally what you just said. Literally. That’s absurd.
It’s people like you that makes other right wing groups call us “ChristCucks”. It isn’t biblical in any way, shape or form to forgive someone who’s trying to kill you before you’ve neutralized the threat, nor is it biblical to “forgive“ a pedophile enough that you let them babysit your kids. There are limits to what that word forgiveness means.
OK. Honestly, the forgiveness people in this thread are hilarious. One illogical misunderstanding of what forgiveness really is, after another.
If byforgiveness you mean they can pack up their stuff and get out of our country and take their evil somewhere else? If forgiveness means we imprison them instead of executing all of them? Fine. Look if you’re just talking about your neighbor who was duped by CNN, that’s completely different. But if you’re talking about the people who have openly waged war on us, have said, with their own mouths, that they want to relegate white children to second class citizenship, forgiveness does not include allowing them to remain in power or in our society or to live among us. No. Absolutely not. You think Jesus wants you to bring pedophiles into your house? Of course not. So there are limits to what forgiveness means.
So why should they be allowed in our neighborhoods? Why should they be allowed to walk around free? Why should they be allowed in our nation? Why should they be allowed in our borders? Look, if something truly globally seismic is about to happen as pretty much everyone here thinks it is, it’s an opportunity to start our society over again. Why in the world would we allow those motherfuckers to stay here? We have borders for a reason, borders which I assume will be reestablished once the good guys win because why in the fuck wouldn’t we seal our borders?
So if we’re going to seal our borders, for example, why wouldn’t we take all the violent evil child molesting drug addicted unrepentantly vile people and… put them back in our neighborhoods? Why the fuck would we do that? What the fuck makes you think Jesus Christ wants you to do that? You can forgive them from 10,000 miles away or from 6 feet above them or from outside the prison cell.
Drug addicts are not anywhere near the same category as child molesting or unrepentantly vile people. Addiction is more a moral failure, it's a disease, often a neurological condition or genetic predisposition. Addiction is also often a product of people's environment. I know it's a small thing to pick out in your comment as a whole, but it's not right to be calling addicts or alcoholics vile people.