697 Biden “WON” the state of Wisconsin by a mere 20,684 votes... 115,252 of WI “voters” were over 100 years old, with many of those on the voter rolls since? ... Exactly 1/1/1918. (media.greatawakening.win) posted 3 years ago by purkiss80 3 years ago by purkiss80 +700 / -3 116 comments download share 116 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
That’s funny because if you look at stats, the percent of the population in the USA is 0.0173%
But even if you go off of the other number that site has, it’s 0.000304 and you round to be generous to 0.035%
If you look at Wisconsin’s population and round up to 5.9M:
0.00035 * 5,900,000 = 2,065
If you take the voter numbers: 115,252 / 5,900,000 = 0.01953424
So they’re saying Wisconsin has 1.95% of their population over 100?
That’s 5,581% higher than the national average.
Ready for the kicker? According to the US Census Bureau, total predicted population in the US for people over 100 is . . . drum roll . . . 135,000
https://www.census.gov/prod/99pubs/p23-199.pdf (page 2)
Guess Wisconsin has 85% of the total population of centurions. Impressive. I would have guessed Florida or Arizona or something would have more than Wisconsin. Wisconsin must be a Mecca for elderly and we never knew!
Yup lol they think we won’t do math!